MyVoice: Views of our readers 11th December 2021

Update: 2021-12-11 01:33 IST

MyVoice: Views of our readers 24th December 2021

USSR had peaceful disintegration

THI's edit page (Dec 9) article, 'USSR's death blow was struck...,' is a reminiscence. One way the other superpower ended, while now the only superpower USA has a monopoly on the global horizon, even in Ukraine-Russian border dispute, of course. Putin said in his July article that it's crystal clear that Russia was effectively robbed and sought guarantees from Biden that the NATO military alliance would never expand to include Ukraine, which had long sought the NATO membership. It has an international concern. Gorbachev was a champion of peace initiator as he said on the eve of disintegration that he decided against it (as stakeholders feared risk of arrest on treason charges, if he wanted, for provoking bloodshed) and for that selfless championship he got Peace Nobel on December 10, though he stepped down as Soviet President on December 25, 1991; even his wife on visit to India desisted even toy gun.


Dr T Ramadas, Visakhapatnam.

Centre panicked, repealed farm laws

It can be categorically stated (and it is plain to see) that the realisation that the continuance of the farmers' protests would be disastrous for the BJP in political terms persuaded the Modi government to accede to the demands of the protesting farmers and paved the way for the farmers to call off their year-long agitation. Even so, the fact remains that the Assembly elections are around the corner for the perception that the Modi government is not really pro-farmer to fade. Unity among farmers and their assertion of their identity as farmers and their refusal to be divided on religious and caste lines brought them victory against all odds. Sadly, the government exacted the very high price of martyrdom of over 700 farmers before it repealed the three farm laws.

G David Milton, Maruthancode

A victory for democracy

After receiving the formal letter from the Government of India, Samyukta Kisan Morcha announced that they are suspending their agitation and vacating protest sites. As we know, farmers had been protesting for nearly 14 months. No doubt there may be some pros and cons of farm bills but it's also important to note that the government should consider the views of all the stakeholders for whom bills are made. It is not only a big win for farmers but also for democracy as peaceful protest is a pillar of democracy.

Harshal Suresh Desale, Pune

Rawat an institute himself

The untimely and totally unexpected demise of CDS Bipin Rawat and other army personnel is indeed an irremediable loss for the nation. He was not only a senior and dynamic officer, but an institute in himself. With his comprehensive thinking, he very incisively chiselled and shaped the Indian armed forces during his tenure. He strived utmost to make the Indian Army not only self-sufficient, but also one of the finest in the world. The void caused by his death won't be easily filled.

Dr Sunil Chopra, Ludhiana

Paradox of rights activism

The article on human rights on 10th December in THI by Dr Padmaja was nice and illuminating. However, the paradox about human rights activism is very difficult to understand. It seems to have a maximum voice where human freedom is also maximum. For all the noise and hype created, the public perception of human rights activism is simply as ineffectual with some nuisance value and sometimes even providing entertainment. In India, human rights, a few times, is a front for fighting the government for their own agendas rather than protecting the weak individuals. There is also a need to know how exactly these organizations work and how they get their funding too in national interests.

Dr Pingali Gopal, Warangal

Commendable service

On December 11, the world will observe the 75th anniversary of UNICEF (United Nations Children's Fund), which aims to improve the lives of children across the world, regardless of their area, ethnicity, or culture. Since its establishment, (UNICEF) has been working tirelessly for child rights and for their well-being in over 190 countries and helps them fulfil their potential from early childhood through adolescence. It also worked along with World Health Organization in 2020 to provide relief for the Covid-19 victims across the globe. It is successfully giving children all over the world opportunities and hope.

Dr Krishna Kumar V, Hyderabad



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