MyVoice: Views of our readers - 02 Dec

Update: 2019-12-03 03:22 IST

KCR's bonanza raises more questions than answers

After subjecting the striking TSRTC employees to sun burns for 52 days, KCR promised moon with many benefits(The Hans India,2/12).As the Telangana Chief Minister K. Chandrashekhar Rao showered boons on RTC employees there is euphoria among the staff forgetting the agony of 52-day old strike and some joining caste based professions for earnings.


Now after these boons they are rejoicing but at the cost of many lives either with suicides or heart attacks with anxiety and stress. With these boons can any one bring back the lost lives?

One fails to understand why the government and management of TSRTC expressed helplessness when High Court asked to pay 47 crores for the financial demands of the striking staff and they donot have money not even for September salaries for the period of their duty before beginning the strike when govt ready to pay not only September salaries but for the strike period too and promised to allocate one thousand crores to RTC in next budget.

Is it not misleading the High Court? TS CM KCR firmly declared it is the end of TSRTC and self- dismissal of striking employees and the state cabinet approved privatisation of many bus routes and called for tenders too. Many boons for staff which were not demanded earlier and CM surprised the employees.

The Govt affidavit in High Court said that the employees and union leaders are going to destabilise the government with their strike and the same employees and union leaders are back in corporation.

What dors this indicate? This step clearly indicate that CM is totally against union leaders personally and as a punishment to them he was mum for 52 days without accepting any demands.

Governments are for the people by the people and of the people and personal whims and choices with intolerance and revenge on opponents are not good for democracy but lead to dictating nature without respecting others views for good governance and welfare of the people.

Jayaprakash Reddy, Nalgonda

Do women have any hope of safety?

As citizens of Telangana's capital city we are shocked and seething. The manner in which the wicked men, tricked the victim was especially blood-curdling. Their brutality makes men nation hang their heads in shame.

Do women in India have no hope of leading lives that are free of danger from men? The number of crimes in India against women is spiking with each passing day.It is clear that no lessons were learnt from the Delhi gang rape case seven years ago.

Given that all four of the accused have been arrested, the trial should be conducted efficiently and speedily. It is also high time that men started taking responsibility for their actions and made it their serious duty to educate their fellow men about the safety and dignity of life that women in this country are entitled to.

Padmini Raghavendra, Secunderabad


It was shocking to read about the heinous gang-rape and murder of a young veterinary doctor near Hyderabad. The crime must be condemned unequivocally, and the culprits given the harshest punishment under the law.

As of now, no woman is safe in our so-called democratic country and it looks nothing will change if we utter 'RIP' for one day for the victim. A girl's short outfit is not the reason for this crime, it's the mentality of the people.

If the government will not take a strict decision against these rapists, there will be no end to this culture of rape. Panic buttons, free transport service for women, etc., are not enough for the safety of women in this nation where society treats its girls as a sex object.

Meghana A, New South Wales

Act swiftly

The rape and murder of Dr Priyanka Reddy was shocking and rightly provoked tremendous outrage from the people. Anything less than the capital punishment is too little for this horrific crime.

Every time when an incident such as this happens, there is a clamour for enacting stricter laws for the safety of the women. The problem with our legal system is not the shortage of laws but it is lack of their implementation. This makes our legal system a paper tiger.

The rapists need to fear that they will be crushed under the Dharma Chakra, should they cross the line. Sadly, such fear of the law is missing in the minds of the would-be criminals today. Any legal system that works at a snail's pace is likely to offer little justice to the victim.

Moreover, justice delayed is justice denied. That the killers of Nirbhaya have not been hanged even after seven years demonstrates the inefficiency of the judicial system.

To instil fear in the evil minds, the punishments must be meted out swiftly. Or else, the common people taking law into their hands will not be unjustified.

N Venkata Sai Praveen, Hyderabad

Barbarity, at its worst!

How civilised a society is can be assessed by how it treats women. The incidents of rape in Telangana, Tamil Nadu and Rajasthan within a span of two days are barbaric, to say the least.

It is not enough that these heart-rending tragedies cause anger and anguish among the people; they must strengthen the resolve to win the battle against rape and other forms of sexual violence against girls and women.

The 'right noises' made by the law makers in Parliament must be followed up with concrete action to prevent rapes.

True, sexual violence is not a feature peculiar to India. It occurs in societies in proportion to the extent of patriarchy in them. Ours is a patriarchal society in which the subservience of women to men is almost taken for granted.

The sad part is that patriarchy and gender discrimination are sanctified by religions, though biologically speaking 'man' was made from Eve's rib and not the other way round.

The remedy is not to ask women to confine themselves within their homes during night, but to make public places safe for women.

More and more women equalling the number of men should come to occupy public spaces, be it day or night.

Women must be free to be at any place at any time alone or with their companions without the fear of being harmed or pounced on by predators on the prowl.

Women must be respected as individuals in their own right with the inalienable right to dignity. They do not exist for monsters in the mask of men to satisfy their frustrated sexual desires, period!

G David Milton, Maruthancode, Tamil Nadu

Close liquor shops by 6 pm

Recently in broad daylight, Lady MRO set ablaze in the office and no political party given any statement and no stir is observed.

In another shocking incident, a veterinary doctor was raped and burnt. Now everyone and every political party is responding and making a beeline to victim's house to offer condolences.

When two incidents are of similar nature and in both cases ladies are attacked brutally by criminals , why our political parties are activated now and making a hue and cry and using incident for political gains ?

Though it is overall lapse of security in the capital of Telangana, one can wonder how safe it is to stay in Hyderabad due to unchecked security lapses and general increase of crime rate.

The government should take stern action to curb the criminals to nip in the bud.

All liquor shops should be closed before 6pm so that criminals may not get access to the liquor in the late night.

M Veereswara Rao, Moradabad



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