My Voice: Views of our readers 23rd February 2021

Update: 2021-07-23 06:30 IST

Views of our readers 18th August 2021

Albatross around Congress neck

That Sidhu being appointed as the chief of Congress party for Punjab State by the Congress high command against the wishes of its own CM is not surprising, if one goes by its history. The grand old party is infamously known for its indifference towards strong leaders at regional level. They become automatically persona non grata and the party goes any length to cut them to size. The CM there is doing well for the party, whereas Sidhu is going against the interests of party openly. Still, the latter got captaincy for the state party, in return to his loyalty to the high command, at the cost of party's prospects in that state. But one has to wait and see whether Sidhu is going to be the last straw on Congress's back. The chances are more in that way.


Dr DVG Sankararao, Vizianagaram

Shun ego. Let Amaravati be capital

"Apex court dismisses AP petition on Amaravati lands" (THI, July 20) is a great relief to all right thinking people and it is a moral victory to the Amaravati farmers for their earnest efforts to retain Amaravati capital for which they've selflessly sacrificed their only feeding lands for the sake of the denovo AP state. The AP govt that got massive mandate is obviously bent upon ruining whatever good the previous government had done in the just bifurcated state. In a way, the SC too okayed the Amaravati capital and technical approvals received from IIT Madras. Let's stick to this divine place from time immemorial and shun ego and work for all people of AP as the destructive agenda did cost dearly.

Dr T Ramadas,Visakhapatnam

Futile to rake up SCS issue again

The notice served by YSRP MP Vijayasai Reddy to Rajya Sabha Secretariat on Monday requesting a discussion on special category status (SCS) to Andhra Pradesh was rightly turned down. The SCS in the minds of centre is a closed subject. It is simply to pacify the people of AP that the state government has been still trying hard to get SCS –an eye wash. It is a futile exercise to put forth the demand and, instead, other subjects such water sharing between the two states may be taken up which is useful to the public. As the PM said monsoon session is short and asked all to let all issues be discussed properly, they should make the session fruitful.

TSN Rao, Bheemavaram

Let AP, TS share assets equally

The Chief Minister of Telangana recently stated that the Krishna waters should be shared 50:50 between AP and TS, ignoring the Bachawat Award for allocation of Krishna waters.

If equality principle has to be applied between AP and TS, there are other subjects where this 50-50 equality principle needs to be applied: Hyderabad is the joint capital of AP and TS for 10 years. AP has a rightful claim on the revenue generated from Hyderabad and the revenue also should be shared by AP and TS equally 50:50 up to 2024; The debts of the combined state of AP should be distributed equally 50:50, instead on the basis of population between AP and TS as laid down in the AP Reorganization Act, 2014; All state assets of the combined state of AP should be evaluated on the basis of market value as in 2014, and shared between AP and TS equally, etc. In the best interest of 'justice' there is a need for amending the related provisions of AP Reorganization Act, 2014 along with reviewing the Bachawat Award accordingly.

Dr S Surya Prakash, Visakhapatnam



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