MyVoice: Views of our readers 16th September 2020

Update: 2020-09-16 00:12 IST

MyVoice: Views of our readers 17th March 2021

RTI Act deserves better

This has refer the article " High Court admonishes irresponsible PIOs"(The Hans India , 15/09/20)by Sridhar Acharyulu ,former CIO, on recent land mark judgment on RTI by Madras High court .It is highly commendable that the Hon. Court gave a very clear direction to the TN government how to implement the act in true letter and spirit .This problem of implementation of the RTI act 2005 by officials is not only in one state but at all parts of the country following the same.


The governments are not showing interest to show the transparency governance to the public. They know very well that the RTI Act implementation in letter and spirit is a very difficult task because the ruling political people will suffer ultimately. Because of this situation, they never give importance to give publicity for this Act. As per section 26 of the Act it is the mandatory on the governments to allot proper funds to publicity among the public. But there is not a single instance showing about the publicity of the act ,no proper trainings for the PIOs arranged even after the lapse of the period 15 years .

The right spirit is the only way for the government to implement the Act, and the responsibility of the public to awaken the society about this Act .This is the only way to eradicate corruption in the country.

J Srinivasa Rao,


Muslims and Civil Services

The Sudarshan News TV was not exposing a conspiracy to infiltrate Muslims into the civil services . Inducting more and more Muslims into services was the official policy of the Congress -led UPA government (2004-14). . The governments led by Congress and the regional parties in their courtship of the Muslim vote launched among others special coaching centers for Muslims to prepare them for successful entry into every type of government service. The solicitude for Muslims was so intense that the UPA government had the Muslim First and not the SC or ST First programmes .

The regional parties and the Sonia Congress are already hostages to Muslims for their votes. The ex-civil servants who are often giving statements opposing the CAA -2019 are now against the Sudarshan News TV are part of a left, liberal, secular, usually anti-Hindu and pro- minority persons. Now they are becoming professional statement givers opposing many of Modi government's nationalist moves.

Dr T H Chowdary,


Do MPs care about Covid-19?

Apropos to "30 MPs test +ve" and accompanying photograph of RS MP at Parliament House offering hand sanitiser to a fellow MP (THI 15 September). Both have been seen without masks which is highly risky for not only them and other MPs inside the Parliament. The elected members of Parliament should set the example for people strictly following the Covid protocols at a time when as many as 30 MPs have been tested positive and also another Rajasthan MP Hanuman Beniwal has been tested positive at Parliament and another test in a hospital in Jaipur has declared him negative. As of now the government has scrapped Question hour, if MPs fail to strictly adhere to protocols, the government would find a valid reason to suspend the session, if more of them are found positive as the session progresses.

N Nagarajan, Hyderabad

The race for TRPs

The media plays a very important role in keeping the citizens of the country informed about the current affairs of the country. It is the duty of journalists and media houses to ensure that the nation knows what it needs to know. Focusing only on the gossip-worthy news does no good to the citizens. Creating controversy and gossip in the name of TRP makes informative content go unnoticed. It is the need of the hour for media to shift its focus from glamour to real issues like the GDP, farmers and Indo-China relations.

Ishika Mittal, Bengaluru

Amitabh for Alexa

It is delightful to know that Indian film and entertainment world's global icon and evergreen superstar Amitabh Bachchan's deep baritone voice will be used by Amazon for its Alexa voice assistant . The great legendary actor is known for his masculine baritone voice that has mesmerised and sparked energy, enthusiasm and excitement in Indians and film buffs around the world for more than five decades.

His deep voice have been featured in hundreds of commercials peddling everything from PepsiCo Inc. colas, Cadbury Ltd. chocolates and so many other products and also for public welfare campaigns that includes the prestigious UNICEF-backed polio vaccination campaign . Inc. has signed up Bollywood mega star Amitabh Bachchan for its Alexa voice assistant and he will be the second global film star and the first Indian celebrity to lend voice to Amazon . Amazon has already used the voice of Hollywood actor Samuel L. Jackson .

The baritone voice of the Big B that has enchanted the Indian film industry and Indian film fans for over five decades through filmi dialogues, punch lines and songs no doubt will create another aura of sheer voice magic among Indians using Alexa and the unique voice experience is sure to create ripples in the media gagdet marketing industry .

M Pradyu, Kannur



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