Let's Embrace and Nurture Dreams

Update: 2024-06-16 08:50 IST

Dreaming ...dreaming.

That's what not only humans

Do in every stage of life everywhere,

But even all things

in nature

Dream and keep dreaming:

The Sky dreams

whole day

For the Moon and stars,

At night when the Moon

And stars come gleaming,

The Sky's dream is realized,

The plants in the garden dream

Of having blossoms,

In morning when blooms


Of varied hues crown

The plants, sparkling in sunlight,

Plants have their dream fulfilled,

The Earth scorched in summer

Dreams of cool, soothing rains,

When monsoon-showers

Pour down, wetting, drenching

The burnt Earth, the Earth's dream

Turns a delightful reality,

The tree in spring dreams

of having a nightingale,

When the nightingale perches

On its bough and keeps streaming

Its mellifluous singing,

The tree's dream is realized,

Woman dreams of being a mother

Gets her dream materialized so beautifully

When she is blessed with a child so gracefully,

It's all dreams that life in all forms

Embraces and nurtures all the time,

Displaying the beauty and significance

Of dreams, let dreams shape our lives

Into lyrics of happiness of fulfilled aspirations

And create rainbow-hued lives. of achieved goals

–Dr Venugopala Rao Kaki, Kakinada



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