Laudable work by TS Prisons department

Update: 2019-05-19 01:26 IST

Telangana State Prisons and Correctional Services Department has proved to be a role model to other departments in the state.

Prisons department has been working for the welfare of the prisoners in mission mode to become responsive and productive citizens and thus serve and protect the society.

Prisoners convicted and undertrials both need to change their mindset and to give good life to them under leadership of Prisons department.


In the state prisons department has been implementing many schemes for the welfare of the prisoners both under trial and convicted and has been following many reforms in the department to become good citizens in the society.

Under leadership of V K Singh many more reforms have been implemented and as well as succeed to lead good life in the society to the prisoners.

During the VK Singh regime many reforms are successfully implemented and our prisons proved best prisons in the country. Prisoners department has established 18 fuel filling stations in the state and run successfully and has been providing employment to the prisoners.

Now enhanced to 20 fuel filling stations in the state next three months it will be working and provide job opportunities to some more prisoners.

Fuel filling stations are successfully running in the state and providing employment to the prisoners. So prisoners also happy with the decision of the departmental activities also and change their mind set to lead good life with their family members.

One station is completely operated by the transgender only. This is good decision by the department and laudable because transgenders are also humans and they also need to lead a good life in the society being a citizen but most of the time they are neglected and underestimated by the society.

To achieve these goals prisons department has been implementing employment programmes and various activities. Prisons whatever they have skillful knowledge to work those initiative programs to get employment as well as earn some money also.

After fuel stations, Prison department is entering in to housing development activities to provide houses cost to cost basis involvement of the Prisoners and get employment to the prisoners.

Department now trying to look into many new initiative programs like food courts, housing construction and other new programmes to provide employment to the prisoners as well as prison department became real rehabilitation centers to the Prisoners to change their life. In the telangana 17 prisons are going to shut down due to lack of Prisoners near future.

Telangana state prison department is going to serve the society with the help of prisoners and prisons also lead their lives successfully with the pride in the society.

-A Shyam Kumar, Hanmakonda



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