Fix our roads before talking about Metro rail in Warangal

Update: 2019-12-27 01:14 IST

It is great news that the Metro Rail Project is under consideration for Warangal. It is the right move forward to cope with the increasing traffic in the future. It is a part of future building. However, the idea of being in India comes to the fore again with the reception of the news.

Before looking at the future, the present needs to be looked into even more. The state of roads and sanitation presently in the city remains pathetic. Important roads are forever under construction or abandoned halfway for lack of funds causing immense inconvenience to the citizens.


There is a feel of complete apathy from the top by the citizens. In such a situation, the fear that the Metro will also become either a source of huge money for a few or a regular unfinished business causing great hardship to the citizens remains well founded. Many citizens are sceptical about the project. Town planning has parallels to our medical systems nowadays.

To focus on the tertiary and even higher levels of care while the primary health care remains ignored and shattered. We, the citizens of Warangal, request humbly to our politicians, bureaucrats, technocrats, and town planners to make the present infrastructure up to the mark before investing public money on projects which are perhaps a necessity for the future. Our priorities for the present are completely different.

-Dr Pingali Gopal, Excise Colony, Warangal



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