World Suicide Prevention Day

Update: 2021-09-10 01:59 IST

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There's been a rising epidemic in the US, and that epidemic is suicide. If we don't know someone who had committed suicide, it's almost certain that we know someone who has attempted it.

Suicide is a problem that affects all age groups, genders, and social strata, and it seems sometimes to be utterly inescapable.

World Suicide Prevention Day raises awareness about this tragic issue and works to prevent it through education and support of those who struggle with suicidal ideation every day.


It's a tragic situation, with the death toll coming in at 42,773 people committing suicide each year in the United States alone, and for each one of those 25 people made the attempt.

Over the world it's even greater, an estimated 800,000 people commit suicide each year throughout the world, which is one every 40 seconds. What's incredible is that just like the US statistic, it's estimated that 25 times that attempt it, 4 million people over the world every year.

There's something of a ripple down effect that happens as well, those bereaved by the loss of a loved one to suicide are themselves more likely to commit suicide.

Thankfully there are organizations like the World Health Organization who fight to combat this epidemic. With the philosophy of 'Connect, Communicate, Care' they work to create a world in which suicide rates are reduced or even eliminated.



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