World Food Safety Day 2024: Best Practices for Safe Cooking and Food Storage

Update: 2024-06-07 12:04 IST

Each year, numerous individuals suffer from food contamination, which can arise from poor cooking methods, improper storage, or insufficient controls. Food safety incidents, as defined by the World Health Organisation (WHO), involve any situation where food consumption poses a potential or confirmed health risk. These incidents can result from accidents, inadequate controls, food fraud, or natural events. While addressing these issues requires coordinated efforts from policymakers, food safety authorities, farmers, and food businesses, consumers also play a crucial role in ensuring food safety.


World Food Safety Day, celebrated annually on June 7, emphasizes the importance of maintaining food safety through proper cooking and storage practices.

Proper Storage Practices

Refrigerate Leftovers: To keep leftovers safe, they should be refrigerated promptly. High-risk food items need to be stored at temperatures of 5°C or lower to prevent food poisoning and spoilage.

Use Covered Containers: Ensure that storage containers are well-covered and sealed. Containers that are loosely covered or uncovered can lead to contamination, compromising food safety.

Separate Raw and Cooked Foods: Always store raw and cooked foods separately. Cooked foods should be placed in separate containers, and raw foods should be stored below cooked foods to avoid cross-contamination.

Safe Cooking Practices

Cook Thoroughly: Food items should be thoroughly cooked to kill any harmful bacteria. Ensure that foods are properly fried or boiled before consumption or storage.

Prepare Meat and Fish Safely: Before cooking meat and fish, clean them thoroughly with water, removing any blood and scales. It is essential to cook them completely to ensure they are safe for consumption.

By following these guidelines, consumers can significantly reduce the risk of foodborne illnesses and contribute to overall food safety.



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