World Book Copyright Day 2023 : Know its History &Theme

Update: 2023-04-22 19:29 IST

World Book and Copyright Day is celebrated annually each year, on 23rd April. The above day is dedicated to promote the benefits of reading, writing, translating, publishing as well as protecting copyrights.

The World Book Day was established by the United Nations Educational, Scientific as well as Cultural (UNESCO) in the year, 1995 in order to promote reading, publishing and copyright protection worldwide.


World Book Copyright 2023: History

The original Concept for World Book Day was conceived by Vincete Clavel, the director of Cervantes publishing house in Barcelona, in the year,1922. Clavel intended to honor the renowned author Miguel de Cervarntes and book book sales. The first celebration took place on 7th October, 1926, which was Cervante's birthday, before it was later moved to 23rd April, his date of death, in the year, 1930. This tradition continues to be widely popular in Catalonia, where It is known as Sant Jordi's Day or the Day of books and Roses.

In the year, 1995, UNESCO, the United Nations, Educational, Scientific as well as cultural Organization designated 23rd April as the official date for World Book and Copyright Day. This day also marks the anniversary of the death of William Shakespeare and inca Garcilasco de la Vega, as well as birth or death of other prominent authors. The aim of World book and Copyright Day is celebrate books, to promote readings and highlight the significance of copyright protection for authors as well as publishers worldwide.

World Book Day 2023 : Theme

World Book Day 2023 theme is indigenous Languages, this theme highlights the rich cultural heritage and importance of indigenous languages in literature and storytelling. It emphasizes the need to preserve as well as promote indigenous languages, which are often endangered or at risk of being lost, as they hold significant knowledge, wisdom and unique perspectives.



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