Three essential parts of a hot air balloon and what are their functions?

Update: 2023-11-22 17:43 IST

The three essential parts of a hot air balloon are the envelope, the basket, and the burner1.

Their functions are:

The envelope is the large fabric bag that holds the hot air. It is usually made of nylon and coated with a fireproof material. The envelope has a valve at the top that can be opened to release hot air and lower the balloon.

The basket is the wicker or metal container that carries the passengers and supplies. It is attached to the envelope by ropes or cables. The basket also holds the fuel tanks that store propane or natural gas for the burner.

The burner is the device that heats the air inside the envelope. It is positioned above the basket and has a pilot light and a valve to control the flame. The burner converts liquid propane or natural gas into a hot gas that is ignited and released into the envelope/



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