Tagbin Unveils ‘Meri Maati Mera Desh’ Web Platform in Commemoration of India’s76th Independence Day

Update: 2023-08-09 18:11 IST

Building upon the resounding success of the Rashtragaan and Har Ghar Tirangacampaigns, the Government of India is set to launch the ‘Meri Maati Mera Desh’campaign.ThegovernmententrustedTagbin, atech-experiential company tocreate the webplat form for ‘Jan Bhagidari’ as a tribute to the brave hearts of the nation. This initiative,craftedincollaborationwiththeMinistryofCultureandMinistryofYouthAffairsand Sports, Government of India, marks the culmination of the Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsavcelebrations, commemorating 75 glorious years of India's independence. The platform is scheduled to go live on 9 August 2023, and the campaign will continue till 30 August 2023.


'Meri Maati Mera Desh' is a people-powered initiative, celebrating the nation'smultifacetedachievementsandpayingtributetoourbrave'Veers'whosafeguardoursovereignty.Thegenesisofthisplatformcanbe tracedbacktoPrimeMinisterShriNarendra Modi's 103rd edition of Mann Ki Baat, where he announced the inspiring 'MeriMaati Mera Desh' campaign. This resonant call to action ignited a spark, leading to thecreation of this impactful digital platform.

The platform encourages participation through its 'Take Pledge' feature, which involves four steps: personal details, planting a sapling, reciting the Amrit Kaal pledge, and sharing a selfie with soil or an earthen lamp. After completion, users get a shareable certificate, and their images are stored in a central repository for display on the PledgePage.Additionally, user scancreatedigital memorials,dedicatedtonational'Veers,'which will be installed in villages as a symbol of collective gratitude.

The platform will allow 2.5 lakh gram panchayats to upload pictures and helps nodalofficerstrack campaign progress in real time. Users can explore events on an interactive map across panchayats, blocks, and states.

Saurav Bhaik, the Founder and CEO of Tagbin, passionately stated, “Our previous successes, with over 2.5 crore videos uploaded during Rashtragaan and more than 6crore selfies in Har Ghar Tiranga, have laid the groundwork for our latest endeavor –'Meri Maati Mera Desh'. With our faith in the transformative power of technology and innovationtouniteandinspire, this platform bindsourentirenation together,whileofferingaheartfelttributetothevery'Maati'thatnurturedourbravesoulsandblessedus with a sovereign nation.”

Ankit Sinha, the Co-Founder and CTO, mentioned, “With attention to detail, our teamhas engineered an intuitive and user-friendly interface, ensuring that individuals fromdiverse backgrounds and all age groups can engage with the platform seamlessly and wholeheartedly. To ensure a strong control environment, we've developed an AI-based moderationtool toscreenimagesbeforetheyappearontheplatform.

As India prepares to celebrate 76 years of independence, the 'Mera Maati Mera Desh'initiativestandsasapowerfulsymbolofunity, reverence, and progress. Tagbin'sinnovative approach has the potential to carve an indelible mark on the nation's journey toward unprecedented growth.



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