Sickening vote-bank politics by all parties
Sub: 'Stop Hindu bashing & be alive to real issues' - Bold talk – V Ramu Sarma (January 04, 2025). Brahmanism and Sanatana Dharma are being blamed which is an open war against Hinduism. Brahmins barely constitute 4 per cent of India’s population are law-abiding, hardworking – minding their own business without any advantage or reservation from the government. The new trend of the Opposition conclave to belittle Hinduism and the caste system prevailing in the country is dismaying. It is clear that the INDI bloc is in the process of experimenting various methods in order to destabilise the government as each attempt in this regard is falling flat before the vigilant and wise electorate of the country. The Opposition agenda is mainly to break the society. Sowing seeds of ill will, and playing out divisive politics that is unmissable. This dangerous trend being adopted by the democratically elected leaders to work against one’s own country is despicable and condemnable.
–K R Parvathy,Mysuru
Weare doubtful and surprised whether the present Congress party is really the progeny of freedom achiever Congress. There is a gulf of difference between old veterans and present leaders. Old veterans used to admire good from their political adversaries. The current generation holding Congress flags and books of Constitution are searching only bad from ruling party. This attitude often culminates in poll de-bacles. The process of learning is grossly lacking in the party. It is an unquestionable universal truth that Brahmin sect never ever comments even if they are ill-treated or abused. Still this community com-mands respect in the society. Though this sect keeps quite, their agony will surely affect their critiques on the negative side. Knowing that Hinduism is the oldest religion in the world, Congress party which has many Hindu preachers in it treats Hindus and Hinduism as untouchables – surely to please minorities for grabbing votes.
–N S K Prasad, Hyderabad
TheINDIA bloc fails to understand that the more they depend on the bashing of Hindus and try to pol-lute political atmosphere based on caste, the more they are on the side of disadvantage. They want caste census to be held in our country so as to divide the majority Hindus. Now they show more love for Ambedkar. It was the Congress party that insulted him when he was alive.
The Britishers believed that by destroying Brahmins, Hinduism can be abolished totally in India thereby they wanted to convert India into a Christian country. Churchs and Durgahs outnumber Hindu temples in our country. Hindu temples are in ruin. Hindu temple funds are diverted to reconstruct mosques and churches. Our laws are not equal to all religions. Is it secularism?
Last but not the least, Brahmin baiting. They form only 4% of the population. They lack political repre-sentation. They don't come onto streets to fight for their rights even though they are the neglected lot in providing education and jobs.
Political parties should invest themselves in the welfare of the nation and its people irrespective of caste, colour, creed and community. Jobs for our youth, spiraling prices of essential commodities, basic facili-ties like quality education, cheap health care, potable water and better basic infrastructure facility are crying for immediate attention needs to be given importance. Dividing the people may result in division of the nation. People should think twice before they exercise their franchise. Hindus vote bank is the only answer to this menacing problem.
–Sravana Ramachandran, Chennai
India has had enough of her share of communal strife from the days of freedom struggle to present times. The nation has paid dearly with loss of life, property, livelihood and a partition. With India well on the road to being a developed country, religion must strictly be confined to prayer rooms at homes. It should surely be snatched away from the hands of self-serving politicians, so that those in governance, and in opposition turn to matters that impact the common man. To issues that will nourish a healthy nationhood. Enough is enough! The agenda of Political parties without exception, has been to cling to power like leeches, misusing religion. May every mind in India be fearless, and every head held high, powered by free knowledge. Let India wake up to freedom from misuse of religion to serve political ends.
–Dr George Jacob,Kochi
Thewar cry of the opposition on Hinduism is fraught with enormous consequences to the people and the country. The new political agenda by the INDI Alliance to berate Hinduism and Sanatana Dharma to be off shoots of Brahmanism is owning sheer ignorance and stupidity that cannot be either shooed off or ignored by the level-headed who have been at the receiving end of atrocities by a variety of invaders and anti-Hindu forces over the centuries.
The other day Kerala Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan grossly re-translated the great teachings of Sri Na-rayanaguru to be nothing to do with Sanatan philosophy; and he needlessly dragged in Brahmanism for paving the way for ‘varnashrama dharma’ to divide the society that shows his ignorance and limited knowledge about Hinduism and Sanathan Dharma. Pinarayi Vijayan can be faulted for his mindset as this has been the tradition in promoting atheism in society while their families ardently believe in reli-gious rituals and practices. The responsibility to tame and teach lessons to errant political parties that are overtly anti-Hindu and anti-Sanatan purely lies with the electorate, by defeating their divisive agenda to fragment the country that will put to shame the diehard anti-Indian forces and countries across the border.
–K V Raghuram,Wayanad
It is difficult to conceive how the Congress, especially at the central level, along with some regional par-ties, consistently fails to take the Hindus into consideration. The BJP is no different, but it is simply a child of the Congress, where it just bats for a united “majority” vote to gain power.
They have never been able to address the real problems facing the Hindus, especially those related to temple management and Articles 25–30 of the Constitution, which form the crux of the detrimental pol-icies against them. They have completely failed in erasing the false history related to ancient India (the mythical Aryans), medieval India, or the independence movement, focusing only on a few individuals and a single party as responsible for our freedom.
Why cannot the political parties across India, along with their supposedly guiding bureaucracies, under-stand the plain fact that Sanatana Dharma is a conglomeration of many traditions, both Vedic and non-Vedic in character? The Vedic traditions are the foundation of Indian culture, and the non-Vedic tradi-tions (Jainism, Buddhism, Sikhism, and so on) have played an equally important part in building up the grand Sanatana culture. There was never an enmity between the traditions. This was a construction by the colonials and carried unquestioningly forward by our intellectuals in independent India.
Rather than advancing this process of traditionalising religions, which happens continuously at the soci-ocultural level, the political-bureaucratic combination has instead reinterpreted our traditions as reli-gions. This is fostering rifts and increasing discord between the so-called majority and minority groups.
–Dr Pingali Gopal,Hanamkonda
Itis clear that the Congress and other INDI groups are hell bent on maligning Hinduism despite being Hindus themselves. This is sad testimony when one looks at their apathy to what is happening in Bang-ladesh against Hindu temples and Hindus in that country.
The illegal immigration by Rohingyas and Bangladeshis is another serious development that has been facilitated by AAP and other political groups with a view to enhancing their vote bank in Delhi and other states and the entire network has been unravelled by the police in the NCR and several arrests have been made in this regard; and the Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee blames it on the BSF for allowing these illegal immigrants to enter India as if she and her party have no role to play in this dirty and dis-guising game of Islamise India at a faster pace.
The DMK in Tamil Nadu has become a dangerous villain and an ardent Hindu basher, working feverishly against Hinduism. In short, the Opposition is on a level above the determined anti-Hindu forces in terms of Hindu bashing. It is time for course correction on their part before the people of the country try to dump them. That would mean they end up with the backing of diehard anti-India groups for their sup-port and survival in a vibrant democracy and secular India which cannot be hijacked by their dirty de-signs.
–S Lakshmi,Hyderabad