Respects For Parents Day: A day to honor your Parents

Update: 2019-08-01 12:28 IST

On August 1st, Respect Day recognizes the leadership roles that parents play not only in the life of a child but also in our communities. And is also the perfect starting point to teach your children about respect and bring more of it into your home. To appreciate all parents in all parts of the world

Parents provide their children with the first expression of love and sense of security. As protectors and foster parents, parents lay the foundation for guiding and teaching children to be responsible. Each parent provides a form of communication and a means of making decisions and correcting mistakes.


The role of parents in the community is also essential.

In an effort to "make our families united and strong by recognizing the leadership roles parents play and to restore the past respect for parents," the day of Respect for Parents was born.

This day was created to remind that parents deserve and demand respect and that all take into account the value that parents have for society. This is not limited to children. Those who hold power over families must also respect the parent. 


Make sure you are respectful to your parents.

Learn more about Parents' Respect Day

Respect Day is also the perfect starting point to teach respect to your children and bring more to your home. Appreciate all parents worldwide for their selfless commitment to children and their lifelong sacrifice to nurture this relationship

History of Respect For Parents Day

Many believe that the holidays may have been born because of the eternal human desire to honor and appreciate the love and care of parents, whose considerable efforts have helped to give a better human nation. The celebration of Parents' Day officially took place in the United States in 1994 thanks to the sincere efforts of former US President Bill Clinton.

Many organizations, local governments, and other communities encourage parents' parties by organizing various activities and games.

For example, the Parents Day Council of local bodies appoints parents for the title of "Parents of the Year". The ideal parents of each state are nominated for the National Parents of the Year Award. In recent days, proclamations and rallies have been organized by the United Civil Rights Councils of America.

How to celebrate the Day of respect for parents

Here are some ways to teach your kids to respect you. Take a few minutes and examine your own behaviour. Are you respectful to those around you? If your children constantly shout and use high tones, is it because you do it too? If you want your children to be respectful, you must also demonstrate this type of behaviour. You must give them respect and then wait in return. Your children will fetch more than you think. Watch your behaviour, your words, your tone, and your actions when you are in their presence.

Although Parent's Day is a national celebration, it's not yet a federal holiday in the United States. This day is used to honour the love, respect, sacrifice, and affection shown by the two very important people in each individual's life. Go spend the day with your parents. Show them how much you respect them. Help them at home and perhaps ask them for a card or a small gift to tell them that you are thinking of them. You can bring them to a good dinner and pay for them. Take them to a show. Maybe even take them to the zoo. There are so many creative ways to show them respect.

Reasons to Respect your Parents:

1) They are older and wiser. They have a few years on you, which means they have seen more people and have accumulated considerable experience that should not be underestimated.

2) They are there for you, no matter the circumstances. Parents will see the good and the bad and will give you an attentive ear and sound advice.

3) They made many of the same mistakes - Why do they seem to know everything? It's probably because they were there, succeeded and got the t-shirt.

4) They are usually right - even if we hate to admit it - 99% of the time, our parents tell the truth and it's annoying, but also to your advantage if you do what they suggest.

5) They know you better than you. They can see things in you that you can not do but tell you that you are becoming more aware of yourself.

6) They just want you to be healthy and happy - all that a parent wants is for their child to have a busy and happy life. If this is their goal - everything they say and do is meant to move you to that destination to keep you there.

7) They are proud of all your achievements. They probably still have your first drawing hidden somewhere and a picture of you holding your diploma on the wall. They congratulate you on every moment of your life.

8) Their politeness is contagious - and it makes you understand that some traditions still have to be respected - like keeping the door open for the next person, letting an older person take the place on the bus and look up from your phone when someone do you speak.

9)They raised you. They have invested time, money, love, patience and effort to become the person you are today and have probably made many sacrifices during the process.

10) They will not be here forever - never take them for granted, because one day they will not be here - so make the most of every second you spend with them.



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