Keep your relationship stronger

Update: 2020-03-04 02:07 IST

It is no secret that it takes more than just love to keep a relationship strong and healthy.

Obviously strong feelings for each other is a necessity, but with the many responsibilities of life, fitting in quality time with your significant other can definitely take a backseat. The below mentioned are the few things which makes the bond stronger.


Spontaneous celebration

Surprise your partner with an unscheduled, spontaneous Valentine's Day. Flowers, cards, a special dinner, a nice bottle of wine, whatever you would do don't announce it, just do it.

A note of love

Cooking dinner tonight? Why not tape a love note under your partner's dinner plate? Or put a love note in his or her lunch, or in their underwear drawer.

Or roll it up with their socks. There are lots of places to put a surprise love note that they can stumble upon at any time.

Small gestures of love

Do something nice for them that is unexpected, like fill up their car with gas. It's a little thing that shows them you see how busy they are. Why not help paint their kitchen in your sexiest underwear? That would be an added surprise.

Throw a suprise party—for two. Nothing against surprise parties with your friends, family and coworkers. Those are great.

But something about coming home to house full of streamers, balloons and your partner in a party hat shouting "surprise!" and popping open a bottle of champers is awesome in an adorably ridiculous way.

Hide a funny note in her wallet. If your partner is anticipating having a difficult or stressful day, jot down an inside joke that always makes you two lose it, and put it her wallet—you know she has to check that during the day.

Make her laugh when she least expects it, and you'll be bonding while you're not even together.

Request a day off—for your significant other. Get your partner's boss on the horn and arrange for a "secret" vacation day for both of you.

That morning, wake her up with a, "Don't you wish we didn't have to go to work today? Well guess what? We don't!"

Write a travel bucket list

Suggest that the two of you make a list of places that you would love to visit in her company during your lives together.

Making a list like this lets her know that you want to travel the world in her company and share some incredible experiences.

Cook a special meal

If you never cook, then something simple will suffice, but if you're handy in the kitchen, take the time to find a new recipe and buy the ingredients.Light a few candles and lay the table to show her it's a special occasion.



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