Priyasha's workshop helps women find their inner voice and self-love

Update: 2024-09-09 22:14 IST

Bollywood actress Priyasha Bhardwaj launched a unique workshop sponsored by Buzz Kya Entertainment aimed at helping women find their inner voice and connect with their true selves. The workshop, designed specifically for women, consists of around 10 exercises that guide participants through an emotional and physical journey to uncover and release their suppressed emotions.


What is the 'Find your Inner Voice Workshop?

The workshop begins with a self-pampering exercise where participants are encouraged to give love to each part of their body, promoting self-care and appreciation. This is followed by the "elephant pose," which targets areas of the body holding stress, helping to relieve tension and relax the muscles.

One of the key exercises involves participants releasing their emotions through a range of vocal techniques. They start by screaming from a low to a high pitch, allowing them to let go of pent-up frustrations, followed by a silent scream that helps them explore their darkest emotions.

Another important aspect of the workshop is self-reflection. Participants are asked to stand in front of a mirror, look into their own eyes, and apologise to themselves for going against their inner desires and choices. This powerful exercise encourages women to acknowledge their inner struggles, talk to their true selves, and ultimately find self-love.

The workshop also includes exercises to help manage anxiety, where participants face others and practice dealing with the discomfort of crowd interaction. In one exercise, women engage in an acting activity where they alternate between playing an authoritative and submissive role, helping them explore both their assertive and passive sides.

This is the easiest path of self-love:

Priyasha's workshop is designed to be an emotional release, particularly for women who have been taught to suppress their feelings. Unlike yoga, which focuses more on physical postures and relaxation, this workshop integrates elements from Kalaripayattu, acting courses, breathing exercises, and interpersonal activities to help women embrace their true selves.

The goal of the workshop is to help women rediscover their inner child, feel joy at their core, and embrace their emotions without fear or hesitation. Priyasha encourages women to practice these exercises daily to maintain a connection with their inner voice and live a happier, more fulfilled life.



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