National Doctor Day 2022: 20 inspirational Doctor Quotes

Update: 2022-06-30 15:45 IST

Medicine cure diseases but only doctors can cure patients.”- Carl Jung

Being a doctor is one of the noblest professions, they heal the sick and also are tasked with making life saving decisions.

In these trying times during the corona pandemic, the world witnessed as to how selflessly doctors across the world served the people at large and emerged as true heroes.

20 inspirational Doctor Quotes

1. "The best doctor gives the least medicines."- Benjamin Franklin


2. "Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile."— Albert Einstein

3. Medicine cure diseases but only doctors can cure patients."- Carl Jung

4. "Always remember the privilege it is to be a physician." ― Daniel P. Logan

5. "Drugs are not always necessary. Belief in recovery always is." —Norman Cousins

6. "Wherever the art of Medicine is loved, there is also a love of Humanity. "― Hippocrates

7. "In nothing do men more nearly approach the gods than in giving health to men."― Cicero

8. "People pay the doctor for his trouble; for his kindness they still remain in his debt."― Seneca

9. "The art of medicine consists of amusing the patient while nature cures the disease."— Voltaire

10. "You [future doctors] are off to an amazing, rewarding and exciting life."― Major W. Bradshaw

11. "Most doctors are prisoners of their education and shackled by their profession."― Richard Diaz

12. "Observation, Reason, Human Understanding, Courage; these make the physician."― Martin H. Fischer

13. "A doctor is not a mechanic. A car doesn't react with a mechanic, but a human being does." —Randa Haines

14. "In nothing do men more nearly approach the gods than in giving health to men." — Marcus Tullius Cicero

15. "The good physician treats the disease; the great physician treats the patient who has the disease." — William Osler

16. "Wear the white coat with dignity and pride,it is an honor and privilege to get to serve the public as a physician." ― Bill H. Warren

17. "The aim of medicine is to prevent disease and prolong life; the ideal of medicine is to eliminate the need of a physician." —William J. Mayo

18. "In our job, you will never go home at the end of the day thinking that you haven't done something valuable and important."― Suneel Dhand

19. "…let me congratulate you on the choice of calling which offers a combination of intellectual and moral interests found in no other profession."― Sir William Olser

20. "To solve a difficult problem in medicine, don't study it directly, but rather pursue a curiosity about nature and the rest will follow. Do basic research."— Roger Kornberg



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