Mother's Milk is best when compared to Donated Human Milk

Update: 2022-08-07 00:40 IST

Mother’s Milk is best when compared to Donated Human Milk

Breast milk is always best for all babies, Dr. Sushma Nangia, professor and head of the neonatology department in Lady Hardinge Medical College, established milk bank. She stated that donated milk might be better when compared to infant formula but it is inferior to mother's own milk. Even for pre-term babies their own mother's milk is best for them to thrive.


Donated human milk is inferior to mother's milk as milk from varied sources is pooled and vital nutrients are lost when it is pasteurized. Obviously, there are cases where donated breast milk is needed and that is why we started a bank but we do not prescribe it for pre-term or sick babies. Neonatologists and the increase in the business of neonatal ICUS in the private sector are behind the push for donated breastmilk. It has become a lucrative business. This menace (Push for commercial donor milk) can be curbed if neonatologists invest time and resources in ensuring mother's own milk for her baby rather than going for commercial donor milk and also offering unambiguous information to families that donor milk is not the same as their own mother's milk. The government requires to step in and enquire where the milk is being sourced from stated Dr Nangia.

It is important to help mothers establish and maintain their own milk supply. This starts with pumping within the first hour after the delivery or sooner. If possible. Few may believe this to be too stressful for the mother, but imagine if you had just delivered a very premature baby who had been taken away for the intensive care. If you are unable to see your infant and so are stressed already. At least pumping early reassures that, you are able to provide something very important to that infant.



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