Moon Day

Update: 2021-07-20 00:00 IST


Every once in a while, the human race achieves something truly remarkable, and Moon Day celebrates the occasion when we first left footsteps upon our nearest neighbour.

It's probably best to gloss quietly over how long it is since the last visitors landed there, but that's no reason to skimp on the celebrations. After all, there'll never be a better excuse to launch firework rockets over your neighbourhood and dress up in a tinfoil suit with a fishbowl on your head. Alternatively, you might prefer to drag a telescope out into the garden, or maybe sit in a circle howling like wolves as the moon rises.


Be careful who you invite to your Moon Day party, though, as there's bound to be one guest who insists the party is not really happening and that you are faking the hot dogs and beer in a film studio somewhere in Nevada. Neil Armstrong became the first man to step down onto the cratered surface of the moon and he said the following words: "That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind."

These are words that pretty much everyone around the world is familiar with! When this happened, it was one of the most monumental occasions in our history. On Moon Day, we celebrate the historic landing on the moon that occurred on the 20th of July in 1969. We also take the time to consider the monumental effort that it takes in order to get a space program off the ground. You may have thought that we would have made millions of space expeditions since then, but it simply is not that easy!

On Moon Day, we take the time to remember the profound and quirky moments in space that resulted in the United States being the first country to have their flag planted on the moon. This is definitely something to be proud of! 



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