Monday Motivation: Reinvent Yourself, Update Your SKills To Stay Afloat

Update: 2020-06-08 01:13 IST
Reinvent Yourself, Update Your SKills To Stay Afloat

Monday marks the beginning of another week. No matter how bad the previous week went by, a new week often brings hope and signals new beginnings.

Of late, we have been hearing about companies laying off employees and even salary cuts due to the financial distress caused by the coronavirus pandemic.

This has caused a sense of insecurity among the salary class. but let me tell you, this too is also one of those phases which will soon pass.


But just staying mum will not take you anywhere. Like they say, you must troubleshoot soon as you encounter a problem. So if you think you are working in one of those fields where the demand is lower than the supply, then it's time you reinvented yourself.

It's not going to be easy learning a new skill or recreating yourself or for that matter even switching to a new profession. But like they say necessity is the mother of invention. So, turn this adversity into an opportunity to prove your mettle.

Take this up as a challenge to reinvent yourself. Explore new avenues. But most importantly, stay calm and composed. Merely stressing over what's happening won't help. One must have the courage to set a new goal and work towards it. And I need not tell you that hard work always pays off.

If you are one of those deeply affected by what's happening around, then do not press the panic button. Sit down in a place and come up with a contingency plan.

I am sure you will be clearly able to see a solution for your problem. Like they say, when one door closes, another opens. It just requires a proper effort. Good luck and happy week ahead.



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