Life lessons one can learn

Update: 2021-02-03 00:06 IST

Life lessons one can learn

Shrimad Bhagavad Gita is a divine song sung by lord Krishna. The Gita gives you the unique way of life that eases off your tension and you enjoy a happy life.

The body is temporary, but the soul is permanent

In the Bhagavad Gita, Krishna compares the body with a piece of cloth: that is, once it's used, it's discarded. This means a person should identify not with the body, but the real Self within. Just as worn out clothes are replaced by the new ones, the soul of a person acquires a new body. When we identify with the body instead of the spirit within, it leads to all kinds of problems.


Anger causes delusion

A person who cannot reason justly is destined to be doomed. As soon as anger takes over, a person loses their ability to think clearly. Anger is one of the fundamental cause of all sorts of failures in a person's life. One must try to sidetrack anger while keeping the mind at peace.

Be temperate in everything, and avoid extremities in life

In the Bhagavad Gita, Lord Krishna says that a person is bound to fail in meditation if he does not strike a balance in his day to day activities. Eating too much or too less, for example, is not going to bring you any closer to God. Meditation can help a person find enlightenment, but he must eat and sleep well, work daily, and find time to enjoy recreational activities too.

Wisdom becomes inaccessible due to selfish attitude

Think of a mirror, when it gets covered up by dust, it's useless. The same is true of wisdom. Selfish attitude obscures our ability to understand situations. A selfish person cannot perceive the truth as it is when tackling relationship issues. Whether a person wishes to gain material wealth, succeed in a profession, or acquire spiritual wisdom, giving up personal agendas is absolutely necessary to wade through doubts and disappointments.

Biggest lesson of Life, We came to this world empty handed. We have made everything over here, be it relations, money, love or respect. We cannot take anything with us when we die. Everything would be left over here.



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