Update: 2024-04-09 08:50 IST

Mesham (Aries)

Your ruling planet, Mars, will align with the Sun in your ninth house under the Sagittarius sign at the year’s outset. This conjunction hints at the potential for embarking on extended journeys. Notably, your reputation will see an upswing, possibly leading to societal recognition. Your engagement in spirituality and responsibility will continue, and positive signs of progress in your business pursuits will emerge.


Anticipate improvements in your health as well.

During the initial phase of the year, the benevolent Jupiter will reside in your first house, lending strength to your love life, marital affairs, business endeavors, and spiritual quests, thereby fostering favorable outcomes in these domains. Beyond May 1, Jupiter’s shift to your second house indicates potential for financial growth and stability. The year’s start holds auspicious indications akin to a “Raj Yoga,” urging you to fully seize opportunities. Rahu will inhabit your twelfth house throughout the month, resulting in sustained expenditures.

Those unattached may find love during this year. Notable shifts in your career trajectory may also be observed.

Vrishabham (Taurus)

This forecast predicts that initially, at the start of the year, Jupiter will be positioned in the twelfth house, potentially leading to increased expenses. However, your commitment to moral and righteous actions will remain steadfast. As of May 1, Jupiter will transition into your sign, possibly alleviating some of these concerns, although you should still focus on your health.

Throughout the year, the beneficial Saturn will reside in your tenth house, encouraging diligent efforts. This dedication is expected to yield positive outcomes, and the interplay of luck and karma may drive advancements in your career. Your professional journey is likely to see progress, and the presence of Rahu in your eleventh house throughout the year suggests the fulfillment of your desires. Your social standing is set to rise, accompanied by an expansion of your social circle and a boost in self-assurance.

Across the year challenges in fully comprehending your loved ones, leading to relationship complexities will be there. Your professional sphere will be gratifying and optimistic outcomes as your diligence pays off.

Mithunam (Gemini)

According to the prediction for 2024, planetary alignments suggest a favorable beginning of the year for you. Jupiter’s presence in the eleventh house will usher in numerous successes, significantly bolstering your financial standing.

The strategic placement of Saturn, the ruler of fortune, in the house of destiny, will contribute to the expansion of your good fortune. This will lead to the resolution of pending matters and sustained achievements, enhancing your reputation within society. While Rahu and Ketu’s presence in your tenth and fourth houses could give rise to physical concerns, family life may also face disturbances.

In accordance with the yearly forecast, the commencement of the year will witness the Sun and Mars gracing the seventh house, potentially intensifying stress in marital relationships and introducing fluctuations in your business ventures. The influence of Mercury and Venus in the sixth house at the year’s outset might accelerate expenditure. Prioritizing your health is essential for overall progress.

Karkatakam (Cancer)

This yearly prediction indicates that the year will commence with Jupiter positioned in the tenth house, aiding in the equilibrium between your career and family life. After May 1st, Jupiter will transition to the eleventh house, amplifying your potential for increased income.

Your inclination towards spiritual matters will awaken, and throughout the year, Rahu’s presence in the ninth house will offer opportunities for sacred pilgrimages and immersions in special rivers, fostering the likelihood of embarking on extended journeys. This year seems to be characterized by a significant amount of travel. This period will prove favorable for matters of love and financial endeavors. Saturn’s influence in the eighth house, underscores the importance of vigilance concerning health-related concerns and prudent management of expenses. The Cancer yearly forecast anticipates the initiation of the year to infuse romance with its splendor. Marriage could become a reality.


As per the Leo 2024 prediction, the year is poised to usher in favorable outcomes for individuals born under this sign. Saturn will reside in your seventh house throughout the year, bolstering your marital life and contributing to positive transformations in your partner’s character, shaping them into individuals of strong resolve. Moreover, there are clear indications of consistent growth in your business ventures, and you have the potential to even consider expanding your business. This year holds the promise of embarking on long journeys, and the possibility of international travel might also present itself.

As the year commences, Jupiter will take a position in the ninth house, offering valuable assistance in your decision-making processes. Your inclination towards religious and spiritual pursuits will experience an upsurge, and arrangements for home-based events will be in the offing.


As per the Virgo yearly prediction, your health will demand special attention this year due to the movement of celestial bodies. Starting right at the year’s onset, Saturn will prominently occupy your sixth house, extending its influence to your eighth and twelfth houses. This alignment might result in health- related challenges, yet Saturn’s presence also promises assistance in their resolution.

Nurturing a balanced and disciplined lifestyle and adhering to positive daily routines will pave the way for success in all your pursuits. Saturn’s placement holds the potential for notable career accomplishments. In the initial half of the year until May 1st, Jupiter will reside in your eighth house, fostering a positive perspective on spiritual and religious aspects.

However, be mindful of unnecessary expenses and work-related obstacles.

Following May 1st, Jupiter will shift to your ninth house, ushering in a period of accomplishment across various endeavors.

Thula (Libra)

In accordance with the annual prediction for 2024, those born under the Libra zodiac sign will be required to uphold qualities of diligence, skill, and integrity throughout the year.

This is due to the fact that Saturn will take up residence in your fifth house from the very start of the year, exerting its influence over your seventh, eleventh, and second houses for the entire duration. The more dedicated and truthful your efforts are, the more robust your relationships and financial matters will become.

Your business and personal connections will fortify, and your earnings will gradually rise. However, come May 1, Jupiter will transition to the eighth house, potentially resulting in increased expenditures.

While your focus will gravitate toward spiritual matters, excessive spending could lead to mental strain. Throughout the year, Rahu will be located in your sixth house, potentially bringing health concerns to the Forefront, though they will likely be of a passing nature.

Vrischika (Scorpio)

The upcoming year 2024 holds a promise of new beginnings for Scorpio individuals. As the year commences, the presence of Venus and Mercury in your own sign will infuse you with a sense of positivity.

Your conduct and magnetic charisma will draw people toward you, making you a focal point of attraction. In the initial phases of the year, Mars, the ruler of your sign, will reside in the second house alongside the Sun, ushering in advancements in your financial situation.

Jupiter, the benevolent planet, will continue its stay in the sixth house until May 1, potentially causing health concerns and an uptick in expenses. Nevertheless, its subsequent position in the seventh house will contribute to mitigating challenges and promoting harmonious relationships, both in marriage and personal interactions.

Throughout the year, the influence of Rahu in the fifth house will impact your intellect, urging you to exercise caution against impulsive decisions that could lead to later regrets.

Dhanusu (Sagittarius)

It will be a year filled with hope for those born under the Sagittarius zodiac sign. However, as the year begins, the presence of the Sun and Mars in your sign may trigger a state of heightened emotions. It’s advisable to refrain from impulsive speech or hasty decisions, as these actions could impact not only your business but also your personal life.

In the initial phase of the year, the divine Jupiter will grace your fifth house, leading to enhancements in your romantic bonds, a boost in luck, and positive strides in financial matters. Encouraging news or the potential for family expansion may also be on the horizon. Positive outcomes can be anticipated for students as well. Beyond May 1, Jupiter will transition to your sixth house, potentially introducing health concerns and fluctuations in areas where Jupiter previously yielded favorable outcomes. This year could pave the way for significant achievements.

Makara (Capricorn)

As per the Capricorn yearly forecast, the upcoming year is anticipated to bring forth positive financial outcomes. Notably, your zodiac ruler holds influence over your second house, and the continual presence of Saturn in this house throughout the year will consistently reinforce your financial stability.

Challenges will not deter you; instead, you will confront them directly. Substantial advancement is foreseen in matters of romance.

Jupiter, residing in the fourth house until May 1, will not only infuse happiness into your family life but also contribute to your career achievements. After May 1, Jupiter’s transition to the fifth house could herald family-related developments.

Throughout the year, positioned in your third house, Jupiter’s presence will heighten your inclination for calculated risks, potentially resulting in notable success in your business pursuits. Refraining from meddling in others’ affairs will be a key factor in your achievements.

The Capricorn prediction emphasizes the importance of strengthening family bonds as a focal point of your efforts, offering the potential for success throughout the year.

Kumbham (Aquarius)

This year holds significant promise for those born under the Aquarius sign. Saturn.

Increased sense of discipline in your life will help tackle tasks with dedication and diligence, solidifying your position in your professional realm and keeping you ahead of your peers. Until May 1, Jupiter’s presence in your third house will contribute to higher income and a conducive environment for your marital life. Anticipate growth and favorable results in your business pursuits, accompanied by improved luck. After May 1, as Jupiter moves into your fourth house, it will promote harmonious family relationships.

The year’s beginning might introduce some strain in romantic relationships. However, this tension is expected to transform into positivity during the latter part of the year. Your career path is poised for substantial success, guided by Saturn’s influence, leading to achievements in both your job and business endeavors. Students could encounter difficulties initially, but the middle of the year holds the potential for exam success. Financially, prudent expense management is advised.

Meena (Pisces)

Individuals born under the Pisces sign can anticipate a year of promising opportunities. Throughout the year, Jupiter, your zodiac ruler, will reside in your second house, providing protection for your finances and family. Improved communication will enrich your relationships, while the potential for amassing wealth is predicted. Furthermore, positive developments from your in-laws’ side are on the horizon.

Following May 1, Jupiter’s transition to the third house will bolster your business prospects, fostering growth. Positive shifts in your marital relationships are on the cards, accompanied by potential financial expansion.

Saturn’s year-long presence in the twelfth house warrants financial caution, as some form of expenditure might persist. Be prepared for potential opportunities for foreign travel. Fluctuations in marital life are indicated. Avoid impulsive decisions.

Career appears optimistic. You’ll excel in your job, and your superiors will hold a positive opinion of your work. For students, the year’s outset shows promise. Despite obstacles, your focused approach to studies will lead to success.



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