Is your Teenager addicted to the cell phone? Are you anxious about your child?

Update: 2019-07-20 12:25 IST

Teens of today have never lived without the internet in a world. Often they are more tech-savvy than adults, embracing new trends and technologies.

The Internet is a great way to stay connected and informed, but you know that if you're a teen's parent, it can also cause a lot of problems. Use can develop into an obsession, and it can become an addiction to this obsession. Real-life can begin to take online time from a back seat.


Anyone may become addicted to drugs, the internet, or some behaviour. However, for some people, addiction is more likely. explains that "the problem is not limited to children and adolescents when it comes to internet addiction, although some — especially those with depression or anxiety disorder — may be particularly vulnerable.

"1 Teen experience mood and behaviour swings. This is a normal growth part. These swings, however, may also indicate underlying mental health problems. Underlying issues pose a greater risk of addiction.

Concerns that can complicate a teen's relationship with the internet and technology include:

♦    anxiety,

♦    feelings of anxiety about life,

♦    school,

Achievements and relationships can make the internet seem more appealing to ADHD: teenagers with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder may discover that the internet can hold their attention.

The internet may provide a temporary escape, numbness, or social connection feelings. If he or she has no healthy coping mechanisms in place and many teenagers do not yet have the necessary skills or awareness for them, the internet can become their only outlet or source of soothing ness. Dependency and addiction may develop when this happens.


Your teen is addicted to the internet?

The following symptoms may indicate a growing problem: Internet use seems more important than time with friends Internet use becomes a teen's only Internet hobby use has affected the grades of your child in school Your teen regularly loses sleep due to internet use, Your teen has met suspicious or unsafe people online Your teen has unhealthy eating patterns or a high intake of caffeine You don't have to wait for obvious red flags if you feel something is "off." Talk to the doctor and addiction professionals of your teen. Learn the best approaches to having a conversation with your child and offer help, understanding, and support to him or her.

How Internet Addiction Affects Your Brain :

Signs of Long-Term Addiction Impacts On the Internet have become essential tools in the modern business world.

People rely on the internet for just about everything including Work Communication Medical advice Music Shopping, Homework People may jokingly claim to be addicted to the internet, but recent research suggests that addiction to the internet is a very real problem with serious consequences.

Since there can be no physical dependence on the Internet, such as drug or alcohol addiction, research has labelled Internet addiction as an Internet addiction disorder (IAD).

The disorder covers a number of impulse-control issues including the following:

    cybersex addiction: Internet pornography sites are compulsively used.

♦    Addiction to cyber-relation: addiction to virtual relationships.

♦    People become obsessed with online friends and prefer real-life relationships with their virtual reality.

♦    Net compulsions: compulsive use of online gaming or online auction or bidding sites leading to financial difficulties in real life.

♦    Overload of information: obsessive web surfing or browsing the database. People feel they have to constantly get on the Internet all day long, and this interferes with their productivity and real-life responsibilities.

♦    Addiction to the computer: fixed time spent on the computer. With acts of obsessive computer programming or gaming, many "computer geeks" fall into this category.

IMAGE COURTESY: DUMBALA ABHINAV REDDY, Sub Juniors National Footballer, Supports the Campaign, Spreading the Awareness on the Internet Addiction.


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