International Women's Day 2020 Celebrations at State Gallery of art from 2nd to 4th March 2020 kicked off with an art camp

Update: 2020-03-07 10:51 IST
Celebrations that are jointly organised by State Gallery of Art

Celebrations that are jointly organised by the State Gallery of Art, Salar-Jung Museum and Hyderabad Art Society had 50 women artists. All students and upcoming artists painted on the theme of women and it was interesting to see the various interpretations of the inner strength and power that women display at all times.

In a world where obscure theories like woman who doesn't cook is born as a bitch, a dog paintained using mixed media sleeping in her house proudly and with all her womanly belongings around her showcase how she is comfortable with herself in the midst of a chaotic urban world, a woman's womb which is the genesis of the world, a fertile haven, which nurtures life, female bonding be it friendship or in a relationship where pink is just not a colour of the meek but of compassion and of mutual strength; a Lambada woman who is embracing modernity within the traditional realm, the multitasking woman who makes the best of all worlds and the other side of the coin where she is victimised and there are at least 94 rapes that happen every day - are all there in the colourful canvasses created by the young women artists.


In total 50 women students from JNFAU, SV College of Fine Art, Telugu University and Hyderabad Central University participated in the Women Art Camp 2020.

Camp works will be exhibited at Salar-Jung museum on 7th March 2020 and will be on display till January 20. Women'soffWomen'soff 



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