International Tiger Day 2019: Tiger population increased to 2,967 in India

Update: 2019-07-29 11:58 IST

Every year we celebrate International Tiger Day on 29 July. The main objective of this day is to raise awareness about the declining numbers of big cats and to promote the work of their conservation. The International Tiger Day was first established in 2010 at Saint Petersburg Tiger Summit in Russia which is also known as Global Tiger Day.

A hundred years back, there were less than 1,00,000 tigers in Asia. Today, the figure has dropped radically to 3,000 in the wild.


The main issues that continue to threaten the future of the Tigers in our country are stealing, destruction of habitat, man-animal conflict, and diminishing prey base. As the size of wildlife reserves is reducing, the conflict of tigers with humans in adjoining habitats problem is arising.

On Monday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said, the Tiger population has increased from 2,226 in 2014 to 2,967 in 2018 in India.

"Nine long years ago, it was decided in St. Petersburg that the target of doubling the tiger population would be 2022. We in India completed this target four years ahead," He said, releasing the results of the fourth cycle of All India Tiger Estimation at his official residence.

He further added, "The results of the just declared tiger census would make every Indian, every Nature lover happy." 



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