How organic food helps to boost immunity to fight COVID 19?

Update: 2021-04-16 14:52 IST

 Organic Food and Ms Shubhlakshmi Tiwari Co-founder and Director of Planet Organic India

In March 2020, India got a historical hit by the virus, popularly known as COVID 19. Many lost their lives, many are still suffering and going through hard times, and some are safe. This situation of the pandemic has left everyone in shock.

As per the latest media reports, COVID19 has come back with its second wave. People are worried about their health and immunity. Due to this, the demand for healthy food and immunity boosters are rapidly increasing. People are showing more interest in buying healthy and organic food instead of regular and unhealthy food products.


It will not be a wrong statement to make that COVID 19 has drastically changed the lifestyle of, specially, urban people. People are now more conscious about their health and eating habits. Earlier, often people do not take care of their health and hygiene status, but now it is vice-versa.

If pandemic has given us bad times, on the other hand, it has also taught us good things. Those good things are healthy eating habits, taking care of our health, taking our own life seriously, and adapting to the healthiest lifestyle. Organic Products are the best choice to make routine life healthier and improve immunity. And need not to mention that the immunity is the best fighter for most of diseases including COVID 19.

Organic food is natural, pure, full of taste, nutritious, filled with various health benefits and that too grown in the lap of nature without using synthetic chemicals like fertilizers pesticides etc. The buzz about organic products is making headlines nowadays.

If we go into details, WHAT IS ORGANIC?

Organic products are grown without using synthetic chemicals, like fertilizers, pesticides, and fumigants. These are replaced with bio-fertilizers, bio-pesticides and fully decomposed khaad.

Eating healthy and organic food leads to a good immune system. Hence, it helps you to fight the infection of coronavirus.

Why choose Organic food?

-Bumper Dose of Nutrition!

-Organic products are a good source of essential minerals, vitamins and antioxidants improving the immune power of the human body.

-As organic products contain a high level of nutrition, it is healthier than conventional products.

-Synthetic Chemical & Pesticides Free!

-It helps to stay away from medical emergencies

-Regular consumption of organic products reduces the chance of getting various diseases like cancers, brain damage or infant abnormalities.

-Rich Source of Antioxidant eventually bettering the immune system

It is the right time that we should adapt to the healthiest way of living with consumption of Organic Products. We should consume pure, healthy, tasty, fresh, certified and 100% organic products only.

Article by Ms. Shubhlakshmi Tiwari, Co-founder and Director of Planet Organic India



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