Reduce the Risk of Cancer with These Superfoods
Best Foods to Eat for Cancer Prevention
Our eating habits, like what type of food we eat, our meal frequency and the portion we eat have a huge impact on our health. Bad eating habits affect our health, increasing the risk of developing chronic diseases like diabetes, heart disease and even cancer. Yes, you heard it right. What you eat could potentially affect your risk of developing cancer. Studies show that certain foods may help protect against cancer, while others could increase the risk.
Connection Between Cancer and Diet
The connection between cancer and diet is a growing area of interest for researchers and health experts. Though genetics, lifestyle and environmental changes play a huge role in influencing the risk of cancer, diet is something that we can actively control. Research shows that certain foods may either increase or reduce your risk. So, how can food impact cancer risk? Our diet influences many aspects of our body, including immune strength, inflammation levels, and even cellular health.
You must have heard about antioxidant rich or anti-inflammatory foods. Have you ever thought about what these are? These are not just any buzzwords, but they point to nutrients that have the potential to guard cells against damage that can lead to cancer. For example, vegetables and fruits are packed with antioxidants, which help neutralize harmful molecules that might otherwise damage cells.
On the other hand, certain foods like processed meat contain preservatives like nitrates, which increase the risk of colorectal cancer. Let us explore some foods that we should consume and those that we should have in moderation to stay healthy and fit.
Best Foods to Eat to Prevent the Risk of Cancer
1. Berries – Berries, which include blueberry, strawberry and raspberry are packed with antioxidants like vitamin C and ellagic acid, which help neutralize free radicals that can damage cells and lead to cancer. These fruits are also high in fibre, which aids in maintaining a healthy gut, potentially lowering the risk of colorectal cancer.
2. Leafy Greens – Leafy vegetables like Spinach, kale and lettuce contain carotenoids, flavonoids, and folate which are cancer-preventing compounds. Studies have shown that people who consume these greens regularly have a lower risk of developing cancers, especially those affecting the digestive tract.
3. Cruciferous Vegetables – Vegetables like Broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage contain a compound called sulforaphane that has shown strong cancer-fighting properties. Additionally, these vegetables are high in fibre, vitamins, and minerals that help maintain a healthy immune system, making them excellent choices for cancer prevention foods.
4. Whole Grains - Whole grains like brown rice, quinoa, oats, and whole wheat are high in fibre, which helps in digestion and protects against colorectal cancer. Fiber promotes regular bowel movements, reducing the risk of toxins remaining in the digestive system.
5. Fatty Fish – High levels of nutrients and proteins are found in fish, particularly in fishes like salmon, sardines, mackerel and tuna. They provide a great source of omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin D, which have been linked to lower cancer risk. Omega-3s are known for their anti-inflammatory properties, which may help inhibit cancer cell growth.
6. Onions and Garlic – Garlic not only adds great flavour to food but also has excellent medicinal properties. Garlic contains sulfur compounds that support immune function and have shown potential for reducing cancer risk, particularly stomach cancer. Onions are rich in quercetin, another powerful antioxidant with anti-cancer properties.
7. Nuts and Seeds – According to research, all nuts, especially walnuts, have cancer-fighting properties. Nuts and seeds like flax seeds and chia seeds provide a variety of nutrients, including fibre, healthy fats, and antioxidants. Walnuts contain omega-3 fatty acids, while flaxseeds offer lignans, compounds that may reduce breast cancer risk.
8. Dark Chocolate – Chocolate comes from the cacao tree also called cocoa tree. Chocolates are made from cocoa beans which are a good source of polyphenols and flavanols and promote healthy gut bacteria. Eating dark chocolates with high levels of cocoa content contains fibre, antioxidants and minerals that may lower the risk of certain cancers.
9. Citrus Fruits – Fruits like Oranges, lemons and grapefruit are high in vitamin C and other antioxidants. Studies suggest that a diet high in citrus fruits may reduce the risk of stomach, throat, and mouth cancers.
Easy Anti- Cancer Diet
Having a well-balanced diet with regular exercise is the key to a healthy lifestyle. Here is a sample meal plan that is easy to incorporate into your daily routine that supports overall health and helps prevent cancer.
Breakfast – Greek yoghurt or oatmeal with berries and chia seeds with a drizzle of honey
Lunch – A plate of salad with tomatoes, cucumber, carrot and onions. Brown rice with lentils
Dinner – Grilled fish like salmon and steamed vegetables like broccoli with quinoa
Snacks – Green tea, a handful of almonds or fresh fruits
This is just a sample meal plan and can be customised according to your taste and preference.
Cancer Prevention Diet Tips
Tip 1: Cut down on processed meat and red meat
Tip 2: Cook Smart and try to opt for steaming, roasting or grilling instead of frying your food
Tip 3: Aim for a colourful variety of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Different colours often represent different nutrients and antioxidants
Tip 4: Avoid Pickled and foods high in salt
Tip 5: Stay away from alcohol as it increases risks of liver, breast, and esophageal cancers
Cancer prevention cannot be guaranteed, but making a conscious choice and choosing to eat healthy and opting to include these cancer fighting foods in your diet can support your body’s defences against chronic diseases. It is important to remember that each small change can contribute to a healthier future.