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Update: 2023-08-19 09:00 IST

Q1) My daughter is 16 years old and studying 10th standard. She has been very irregular in school since her 2nd standard. My wife and I had marital issues then because we used to quarrel frequently in front of the kids. My daughter is good at all things except her studies. With great effort, I got her admission into a school, but she says that she doesn't love that school and is not willing to go to school. Please advise.


-Anjaneyulu, Manchiaryal

A) Dear sir, you seem worried about your daughter's future. From your presentation of complains, she could be doing all this because of some motive or, since COVID time, lack of motivation or might have issues in her temperament. Please get her evaluated by a clinical psychologist to ascertain the actual problem.

Q2) I am a private employee with a typical problem. I have a good reputation in my office. The problem is that most of the time, others might think wrong, or I'll feel about myself. I get these negative thoughts, especially with whom I think knowledgeable or superior. Is this a phobia?

-Saleem, Yakatpura

A) Dear Saleem, your complains indicate phobic reactions in social situations. Do you avoid those situations? Do you feel that significant others' rejection/hurt/humiliation? It would help if you had further enquiry to understand what you are going through. Meet a clinical psychologist for the needful.

Q3) I am 40 years old and have been married for ten years; initial years, we had a harmonious relationship, but later, my wife had issues with my mother & sister. She says I am not supporting her during any tiff & taking the side of my parents. This makes me go wild and use abusive language on my wife. These scenarios eventually made us stay separate, I want to go back to her, but my in-laws want me to take treatment for my anger. Tell me some tips to save my marriage.

-Jagdish, Vikarabad

A) Dear Jagdish, losing your cool in most provocative situations could indicate poor frustration tolerance. Do you have this kind of reaction to most all conditions similarly? Proper regulation of emotions is very important. You may see a clinical psychologist & learn anger management techniques for the needful.

4Q) My husband is an alcoholic and has not worked for many years. I am a housewife, and I am doing tailoring to run my family. He beats me and takes away money for his alcohol. I have taken him to many doctors but no use. I am fed up with his behaviour. Don't we have treatment at all?

-Vasanta, Alwal

A) Dear Vasanta, I can understand your plight. Chronic Alcoholism is a mental/psychiatric condition which requires proper treatment from a team of mental health professionals in restricted care or Institutions are usually called rehabilitation centres. You might reach out there for the needful.

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