Feeling like a Pufferfish: 5 Yoga Asanas to Banish Belly Bloating

Update: 2023-02-06 22:41 IST

Feeling like a Pufferfish: 5 Yoga Asanas to Banish Belly Bloating

Bloating can be very uncomfortable, understanding the dilemma, experts have shared few easy to do Yoga Asanas, which will help you get rid of both gas as well as bloating.

For few of us, the midday bloat might bother us, for no good reason almost every other day. What might surprise you though is the fact that, even the first thing you eat might lead to an upset stomach later in the day. Sometimes, the most unusual foods such as cup of coffee can suddenly take a toll on your stomach. If your stomach is giving you a hard time, yoga for bloating might really help.


What causes bloating?

Bloating is the uncomfortable feeling, when your stomach feels gassy. It can be caused by numerous factors. Few reasons include eating heavy meals, high fibrous foods, inadequate sleep, your menstrual cycle, water retention due to stress. All of these can cause bloating, it can happen when the gas gets trapped in the stomach.

While most of us tend to turn to carbonated drinks to get rid of bloating, there are some yoga asanas that can help relieve trapped gas.

Few yoga poses that, would also help to strengthen your core and reduce the frequency of bloating, states the expert.

1. Kati Chakrasana

Start by standing on a mat with your legs, shoulder-width apart. Now, begin rotating your arms from the waist, to the right and then to the left. She recommends that you must 10 rounds on each side and go up to 2 minutes.

2. Utthita Parshvakonasana (Extended Side Angle Pose)

Widen your stance and bend with your left foot out to 90 degrees. Keep your back straight and then press your right foot and heels on the floor. Hinge at the hips and lean towards your left foot with your left hand placed on the left knee.

Now, reach your right arm up over your right ear and press your right hip towards the floor to create a straight line. Repeat on the other side, start doing this for 15-20 seconds and try to do 2 minutes of the pose.

3. Mandukasana

For this pose, kneel with your buttocks on the floor/mat. Now, make a fist and press it together in front of the navel, and curl down. Stay in the position for about 14 to 20 seconds and build it up to 2 minutes.

4. Setu Bandhasana

Start by lying on the floor and your knees bent and your feet, hip-width apart. Bring your arms alongside your body with your palms down and slowly lift up your back. Your position must be such that your chin touches your chest and your thighs parallel to the floor. Interlink your fingers behind your back and keep breathing. Try doing this for about 15 to 20 seconds at first, then slowly progress to 2 minutes.

5. Pavanmuktasana(wind-relieving pose)

Lie on the mat with your back on it and lift your knees up. Hold your legs with both your hands tightly. Now, press your knees into your abdomen so that it creates pressure on your stomach. Also, lift your neck and tuck your chin into your chest while you perform this pose. Start by doing this for about 20 seconds. Gradually increase to up to 2 minutes.



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