Happy Mother’s Day 2023: Mother Who placed 1st Matrimonial Ad for his Gay Son

Update: 2023-05-14 19:30 IST

In the year, 2015, she placed ground breaking matrimonial advertisement, many new agencies refused her proposal, due to legal problems, which might arise, the Mid-Day agreed for her proposal to be published. What she did was, similar like all other ads looking for suitable match, she placed an ad in that particular column, looking for suitable match for her Gay son. But, little did she knew, that it would spark a social media revolution. Mrs Iyer’s email was flooded with hundreds of responses not only proposals across the world but also, she got numerous hateful and homophobic messages from the outraged. It was India’s first gay matrimonial ad.


This is not first time, she got such hateful messages, earlier too, when his son, made public about his identity as Gay, she had to face a lot of abuse from her immediate family as well as relatives following this public revelation. All this, did not fade away her love towards her son, but instead it brought her closer to her son. Through all the struggles, shame and suffering a beautiful bond has been evolved, which was ready for any test of time.

The mother feels, she has overcome many battles to accept an identity and reinvent one, the only battle she is still fighting her own fears about her son’s future after she is gone. Mrs Iyers awaits the day, when Harish would have somebody to support him as partner for life.

Mrs Padma Iyer stands as a staunch supporter of equal rights for the LGBTQIA community alongside her son Harish. As Harish takes on the world with activism, thus breaking one barrier each time. And he is very well aware that, his biggest cheerleader is always with him, at least until her last breath.



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