Guide to your busy life

Update: 2019-11-04 05:58 IST

This being said, it's 21st century and women from all walks of life are choosing to have it all — a blissful family, a rewarding career and some solitude to find some time for themselves. Here are some tips that could help you to live a happy life both professionally and personally

Stay connected during the day

Thanks to technology that knowing the well-being and whereabouts of your loved ones isn't a challenge anymore. All working mothers can easily stay connected with their children while they are working at office.


If you're missing your kids, you can make a phone call or even a video call during your lunch break and focus on work without any stress or tensions at the backend. This comforts the child that you're near and also helps you get through a rough day at work.

Limit distractions and time-wasters

When you are a working woman, every minute is crucial — at work and home. You would be astonished to know that distractions at workplace can cost you more than three hours a day. If you want to be focused and productive, it's essential to keep chatty coworkers, casual internet surfing, smartphones, and other distractions at bay.

Set specific time limits to address emails and phone usage. At home, avoid watching too much of TV and instead, you can use that time to strengthen your bond with your partner and kids.

Draw a line between home and work

One of the greatest lessons life has taught me is to say NO to things that don't align with your priorities. Believe me, it is the biggest mantra to successfully juggle your personal and professional life.

Learn to set boundaries so that you can give your heart and soul to both the aspects of life. Leave work at work, don't come home with it. While spending time with your kids and partner, don't be on the phone sending emails or discussing work with coworkers.

Be mindful of your personal relationships and start saying no to things that aren't doing any good to us.

Make some time for yourself

Making out some time to do things you actually love is the secret to maintain a perfect work-life balance. Sometimes, it's okay to think about yourself, have some leisure time and pamper yourself.

Go to a spa, get a massage, watch reruns of your favorite TV series, read a book, travel solo, or just do nothing at all. Learn to take care of yourself because only then you would be able to take care of your family and your work.

The balancing act of working moms

maintaining work-life balance requires constant adjustments, compromises, and sacrifices. It's better to be prepared and learn to make the most of your time and energy. The more you know yourself and your priorities the more balanced your life would be.



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