God is happiness, bliss and love

Update: 2019-07-01 00:14 IST

Mankind is engaged in an eternal quest for that "something else." The hopes will bring him happiness, complete and unending. For those individual souls who have sought and found God, the search is over: He is that "something else."

Many people may doubt that finding God is the purpose of life; but everyone can accept the idea that the purpose of life is to find happiness. I say that God is happiness.


He is Bliss. He is Love. He is Joy that will never go away from your soul. So why shouldn't you try to acquire that happiness? No one else can give it to you. You must continuously cultivate it yourself.

Even if life gave you at one time everything you wanted — wealth, power, friends — after a while you would again become dissatisfied and need something more.

But there is one thing that can never become stale to you — joy itself. Happiness that is delightfully varied, though its essence is changeless, is the inner experience everyone is seeking.

Lasting, ever new joy is God. Finding this joy within, you will find it in everything. In God you will tap the reservoir of perennial, unending bliss.

Suppose you are going to be punished by not being allowed to go to sleep when you are desperately in need of rest, and suddenly someone says, "all right, you may go to sleep now." Think of the joy you would feel just before falling asleep.

Multiply that one million times! Still it would not describe the joy felt in communion with God. The joy of God is boundless, unceasing, all the time new. Body, mind, nothing can disturb you when you are in that consciousness — such is the grace and glory of the lord. And he will explain to you whatever you haven't been able to understand; everything you want to know.

When you sit in the silence of deep meditation, joy bubbles up from within, roused by no outer stimulus. The joy of meditation is overwhelming. Those who have not gone into the silence of true meditation do not know what real joy is.

As the mind and the feeling are directed inward, you begin to feel God's joy. The pleasures of the senses do not last; but the joy of God is everlasting. It is incomparable!

Very few of us know how much we can put into life if we use it properly, wisely, and economically. Let us economise our time — lifetimes ebb away before we wake up, and that is why we do not realise the value of the immortal time God has given us.



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