Forgiving Friday: Forgive those you know and those you don't

Update: 2019-06-28 09:37 IST

On this Friday Let us Forgive all around us those who know you and those you don't. Each year during this time, many cultures around the world celebrate an occasion of forgiveness. Like The Jewish Community celebrates Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, while some communities in India celebrates Kshamavani.

As individuals, we sometimes feel that we have not done anything wrong, yet the other person believes that some injustice has been to him. If others perceive us as the cause of their pain or suffering, it is always wise for us to ask for their forgiveness. Even we sneeze, talk or walk we might or without our knowledge we are killing many germs and insects or do something else - any actions could have hurt someone, we should not hesitate to ask for forgiveness. Knowingly or unknowingly. Intentionally or unintentionally, if you have hurt someone by your thought, word, or, deed- you ask that they forgive you.


One's social status will never come down by forgiving or asking for forgiveness. In fact, it shows one's strength. You are taking responsibility for clearing up some conflict that has happened in the past and bringing harmony in its place. The respect that you gain by your compassion, by your broad-mindedness, cannot be lost.

As the violence is increasing in the world day by day, and so is the domestic Violence at home, Conflicts between the countries, violence between communities. In such a world, observing a day of forgiveness is of great significance. If everyone in the world could practice forgiveness-both asking and giving many of the world's conflicts could be solved. Many of the conflicts between families, and in relationships would be solved.

Why Mistakes Happen at all?

Mistakes happen due to lack of understanding, wrong education, wrong indoctrination, emotional outbursts, as we don't know how to control our rage, anger, frustrations. When controlled emotions spring into action, it becomes a mistake. 

ForgivingFriday # FridayForgiveness # FirststepofForgiveness 



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