Foods to be include in Indian Diet plan for Breastfeeding Mothers

Update: 2021-08-03 16:00 IST

Diet plan for lactating mother includes all the best part of traditional and modern diet.

Foods which can be included in Indian Diet plan for breastfeeding mothers are as listed below.

Protein: A diet which is rich in protein would help breastfeeding mothers, as this would help produce breast milk and also nourish your infant. Vegetarian mothers can also include orange masoor dal, green mung dal, kidney bean, paneer. Even peanuts can be included in the food chart. Make it in the powdery form to consume or you can mix it in your panjiri ladoos.


• Non vegetarian Mothers can also include eggs, fish and boiled chicken as per your preference. It includes lot of protein. You must avoid curd in the initial 2 months after delivery and also you can have it from 3rd month onwards.

Liquids: When you breastfeed, your body might experience plenty of loss of fluids as breast milk comprises 90% of water. To cover this loss, a lactating mother must consume lots of liquids. You must have minimum 8 glasses of water in a day. When you intake fluids, it helps in breast milk production. If it's not enough, it might lead to dehydration, lesser production milk, dry skin and constipation.

Whole grain: you can include whole wheat flour, brown rice, quinoa, ragi, khichdi, porridge in your diet.

Iron: you must replenish your iron stores in your body after delivery. Hence it is essential to include iron rich foods in your diet plan. Vegetarian mothers can have turnip greens, dry beans, black eyed peas, green leafy vegetables and green peas. If you will cook food in iron vessels with tomatoes, even this can offer some iron content. Almond, walnuts are a good source of iron and even jaggery is good source. Non vegetarian mothers can have organ meat of chicken, meat in order to replenish iron content in the body.

Vitamins: Vitamins help in baby's growth and also help boost milk production. They can have lots of green vegetables and fruits. You can also have bottle guard, fenugreek, pumpkins, spinach, Tinda, carrots and beetroots. Fruits such as pomegranate, papaya, apple and pear must be included in your diet.

Calcium: it is vital for breastfeeding mothers, as it helps in growing your baby's bones. You can include leafy vegetables such as spinach, kale, mustard greens and turnip tops. Milk and its products like cheese and paneer is a must.

• Galactagogues food is must for breastfeeding mothers as it helps in boosting milk production as well as the growth of the baby.



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