Fighting gender inequality through fashion

Update: 2020-10-02 23:38 IST

Fashion activist is a term that is hitherto unheard of. But 24-year-old Aishwarya Sharma, a fashion blogger is revolutionising the fashion industry. She believes that the fashion industry has a much wider scope than the stereotypes of bloggers being mannequins of dresses and brands. She has given the fashion world a new dimension by adding social activism to it.


"I think until now, people were of the opinion that fashion has only got to do with outer appearance and that it is extremely materialistic. I wanted to change that mindset. My journey started back in 2017 when fashion blogging in India was still nascent and influencers posed as mannequins for brands on purpose. It was a eureka moment that hit me questioning the whole existence for a fashion voice that cuts through voyeurism and misogyny. While my fashion-fed brains pushed me to preach my style, I felt a dire need to show the world; especially to youth, the power of fashion from an influencer-gaze for fashion is one of the strongest mediums for change there is," Sharma told The Hans India.

She has recently joined the United Nation's fight to sensitize people against the prevailing prejudices across the world. Sharma feels that India having the second largest population in the world, it becomes imperative that the nation's voice is represented at a global level, "especially when it comes to the inequalities prevalent in our society towards the weaker sections including women".

"It's a great feeling to be representing your country internationally for causes that hit closer to home. I feel international attention can be a key to help India highlight the need to address the problems of gender inequality and women safety," she says.

Usually crimes against women go unreported in rural parts of the country. She opines that hate crimes especially on the basis of sexual orientation go unreported in rural areas for there is a lot of fear in the victim's mind and little confidence in the capacity of authorities to act empathetically and effectively.

"I think that needs to change. We must first and foremost focus on demanding these authorities, the police and commissions to instil that sense of justice and confidence and that's what my focus has been since day one, to challenge the system itself and demand fair implementation which requires them doing their job properly," Sharma adds.

Over the years, she has been writing against acid attacks, rapes and other crimes against women. The most successful campaign by her was #flowersnotscars which was launched in association with Stop Acid Attacks Foundation. She also came up with her own Instagram filter to promote gender equality.

"This space of fashion activism I have built where fashion and the industry play a key role in bringing these social issues to the forefront, a fashion blogger talking about activism through fashion. No doubt, it has been complex because people don't expect fashion bloggers to voice their opinions, especially not this way. I am here changing that notion, fighting that stereotype everyday with the most intelligent set of readers," Sharma concludes.




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