Bio fertilizer is the key to soil fertility and crop productivity - how to make organic manure at home

Update: 2019-09-04 16:57 IST

There is a grave problem of disposing of bio-waste in a safer way. Huge quantities of biodegradable waste are being generated in rural and urban areas that threaten the environment with pollution and contamination.

These wastes can be converted into valuable composts which have long been recognized in agriculture as beneficial for plant growth and yield and the maintenance of soil fertility rather than when they are directly applied. Vermicompost is stable, fine granular organic manure, which enriches soil quality by improving its physicochemical and biological properties.


It is highly useful in raising seedlings and for crop production. It is becoming popular as a major component of the organic farming system. In this review, the details about the process of vermicompost production will be described with its effect on plant growth, soil and environment.

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Bio fertilizer is the key to soil fertility and crop productivity - how to make organic manure at home
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