Desire to have long Hair: Include Sun flower Seeds in your Diet

Update: 2023-03-11 12:15 IST

Include sunflower seeds, in your diet, this would help in prevention of hair loss and also help in hair growth.

Sunflower fruits, they are edible fruits of the sunflower plant and it known by the binomial name "Helianthus Annuus. They are generally eaten in the form of sprouts and it has got garnishing ingredient in numerous recipes. Sunflower seeds are also used to extract a nutritious and popular product, "Sun Flower oil".

Prevent hair loss

Sunflower seeds helps in prevention of hair loss and they are in rich in vitamin E, significant antioxidant. Additionally, it hydrates the dry skin and also scalp as well.


Stimulates Hair growth

Sunflower seeds are very rich source of Zinc as well as iron, which promotes hair growth. You must eat around 30 grams of sunflower seeds in a day to get long, healthy strands and other benefits. You can either consume them with salad or any other dishes.

Dandruff free hair

When you add sunflower seeds in your diet, you can give yourself healthy and dandruff-free hair, thanks to its richness in Vitamin B, which helps in stabilizing and offering extra nourishment to the scalp.

Prevents hair loss

Sunflower seeds are excellent product, which helps in preventing the hair loss because of its richness in Vitamin E, a significant antioxidant, additionally, it hydrates the dry skin and scalp as well.

How to eat sunflower seeds?

Sun flower seeds are very nutritious, they can be eaten either raw, salt free, roasted or sprouted. They can also be included in vegetables, stir fries, tacos, muffins, smoothies, burgers and bars. Additionally, sunflower oil is also better alternative, if you do not like to eat these seeds. The kernals are not limited to any particular dish, they are very versatile.



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