8 Habits that will help attract a right partner in your life

Update: 2022-06-29 00:28 IST

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Every individual desire long lasting love, sometimes, we might find ourselves messily involved with wrong person.

You might have heard saying, you do not attract the wrong people, you attract all kinds of people, you just chose the wrong ones. It makes sense. Let's dissect this.

There are two parts to this equation

Your desirability level in general

Your decision making regarding who to date.


So, instead of asking yourself, how can I attract a better partner? You should ask, what can I do to help myself attract more romantic options and pick the right one to date. r

1. Be your Authentic self everywhere you go including on social media

There are people who might not be your romantic type but you cannot help but feel drawn to them. There is something about them that is so interesting and magnetic. That is something keeps showing up whether you approve of it or not. It makes you feel good to be in their presence. Well, it's their authenticity.

Authenticity shines, it breeds trust and meaningful connections. And what's more, when you true to yourself and honestly communicate your values to the world, people would be able to self-select themselves before you even have to. You would be more attractive to the people, who are similar to you, for those who do not have the same values as you, they would respect you.

2. Do the things you love

When it comes romantic love, nothing is more repulsive than an individual who does not have any life or hates their life so much that they latch onto others to escape themselves, that individual should not be dating, they would require professional help. If you wish to have a good relationship with a great partner, the secret to have a good relationship with yourself and your own life first.

You must do the things you love; it would be beneficial in numerous ways.

 It makes you happier

 It is taking the step to build a life you love

 It makes you more confident and there more attractive.

 It brings you to the people who love the same things as you do

 It enables you to create meaningful connections with these people

3. Bring to life your definition of beauty

Look matters -let us settle that one first. It is human nature to be drawn to people who are healthy looking and present themselves well. Beauty standards set up by the media, will not work for everyone, you do not require to look like Victoria's secret's angel to be attractive and find a partner.

4. Provide Genuine compliments

Being charming is attractive, one simple way to increase your charm and make people want to be around you, then you should offer genuine compliments and being generous with your compliments.

5. Keep your mind open

When you are out and about meeting new people, you must keep your mind open, it is an important step in building connections and creating attraction.

Being close-minded is also egocentric. It is negative for everyone involved. It will only end the conversion before one can even begin.

6. Be Present

People often state that they like someone who is spontaneous. The dictionary definition of this is performed or occurring as a result of a sudden impulse or inclination and without premeditation or external stimulus.

When you are with someone, you must give them your full attention. Show your authentic self and offer them genuine compliments while making smiling eye contact with them. If they do not fall for you, they would most likely develop a crush on you.

7. Invest in yourself

This is a quote that I always remember, people do not love you for the emotional energy you put in the relationship, they love you for who you are.

8. Focus on adding value to others

When you meet new people, you must have a clear dating goal, one can easily make you come across as " Pushing for an agenda: and you suddenly have few expectation that the fragility of a new connection cannot handle.



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