4 Most common myths that you hear about love marriages

Update: 2019-09-21 20:17 IST

Marriage is one of the most beautiful things to happen in anyone's life. Whether its love marriage or an arranged marriage, you'll get to have a partner in your life who'll stay, live and breathe with you till the last minute of your life. It's beautiful, isn't it? Yes of course, but today the reality is different from what we see my friend.

These days, a lot of people believe in rumours and myths than on facts and proven studies. And this is one of the reasons why a lot of marriages fail before even they start. People see something from outside and they believe that it can happen with them too, which is completely wrong. The thing which happened in your married life will not happen the same in the other person's married life. Situations and circumstances differ from person to person.


To make you understand what the world thinks and looks like after marriage, here are the most common myths about love marriages that you should know to make your relationship healthy and better than earlier.

No fights between each other: A lot of people believe that in love marriage they won't be any pugnacious acts or arguments. They believe that, as they were in love, they would be knowing each other so well than anyone and they'll hardly be any combats or misunderstandings between the two. Now tell me, whether it's a love marriage or an arranged marriage, what instigates to a fight? They are ample of complications. Marriage has nothing to do with fights between couples. You should know that it is something to do with mutual understanding and settling it quietly in a tranquil manner.

Understand each other better than anyone: Love marriage has nothing to do with understanding your partner. Now come out of this myth that only love marriage couples understand each other better. Love happens automatically when you give your best to fathom your partner. If he or she is willing to take their relationship till the last step of their journey, then it has nothing to do with love marriage or arranged marriage.

Sex would be awesome: Too many people become victims of this myth. People perceive that love marriage couples should be having an ideal amount of sex than the arranged marriage couples. Few of them also feel that love flows between them instinctively. Now hold on, let me correct this for you. Firstly, there is no exact figure to say that you should have sex for X times a day. Secondly, if you both have the desire for each other, no love marriage or arranged marriage has to do anything for the number of times you have sex in a day. So, come out of this myth my friend – Sex has nothing to do with marriage. It is more to do with love, commitment, passion, and desire.

Love happens easily between the two: Indeed, love happens easily between the two love marriage couples. But it is also true that love can happen anytime and break anytime between any two couples, whether it's a love marriage or an arranged marriage. 



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