Hospitals reserve beds, stock oxygen tackle to Covid surge

Update: 2022-12-25 01:36 IST

Hospitals reserve beds, stock oxygen tackle to Covid surge

Bengaluru: The educational institutions in Bengaluru have immediately begun taking precautions in light of the recent viral infections among children and the rise of COVID-19 cases in many parts of the world.

Schools are once more mandating the use of masks and hand sanitizers and teaching students, among other things, how to maintain social distance and not share food.


The administrators of the school claimed that recent weather conditions had caused viral fever outbreaks, prompting them to exercise caution.

"After numerous kids were sick, we sent a message to parents around two weeks ago encouraging pupils to wear masks at all times. It was not required, but given the rise of COVID-19 cases in various places, we may now make it so. We will evaluate the situation and make a decision on physical distance after the students return from their Christmas break," said the principal, St. Joseph's Boys High School.

Only after hearing the most recent information regarding COVID-19 have some other schools begun to apply guidelines. "To be proactive, we just released a circular today (Thursday). Some of the rules we've asked them to abide by include donning a mask, washing their hands before eating, not sharing food, and not playing in groups. We will once again introduce these norms gradually because we had only recently begun to get used to not following them," said Gayatri Vijendra, Podar International School.

The Associated Managements of Schools in Karnataka have urged parents to use caution when making travel arrangements because it is the Christmas break and many families have vacation plans. Shashi Kumar D., the association's general secretary, added, "We request all to take care of SOPs at your respective institutions."

Bangalore University issued a circular on Thursday stating that all students, teachers, and non-teaching staff must take the booster dose (precautionary dose) and wear masks inside the university in light of the Health Department's advise to take precaution in the State with respect to Covid-19.     



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