Have SDPI, PFI and CFI invited trouble for themselves?

Update: 2022-09-24 02:14 IST

Have SDPI, PFI and CFI invited trouble for themselves?

Mangaluru: The Social Democratic Party of India (SDPI) and its radicalised arms of the Popular Front of India (PFI) and Campus Front of India (CFI) have been accused of jumping the gun in their run towards pushing their agendas. The result is that they are together billed to face a total ban and their key functionaries will be out of action for a long time to come. This is history repeating. The political observers remember this was also the fate of the Student Islamic Movement of India (SIMI) which was banned in 2001 and extended its ban for five more years in 2019. It was formed in 1977 with the explicit objective of starting a movement of making India an Islamic state.


Its founder Mohammad Ahamdullah Siddique whose whereabouts are not known to the present generation but the intelligence inputs state that his proteges have been active in the formation of SDPI, PFI and the CFI. After the failure of the radicalised single organisation of SIMI, the same model had three different faces- SDPI the political and more liberal arm, PFI- the radicalised Islamic activity group and the CFI -the radicalised Student arm.

But these three organisations had gone overboard with their activities and objectives of non-co-operation with and noncompliance with rules under the Indian Constitution and wanted the Muslim community to stand their ground for special status for them. The three organisations pushed their agenda to a breaking point in three different movements- The Hijab issue, the Azan issue and the Madrasa issue.

Both Hijab and Azan issues which began in Karnataka had engineered by the PFI and CFI while the Madrasa issue began in Uttar Pradesh. Following the cue of Karnataka, the Uttar Pradesh government took more radical action against the three issues which has now resulted in a condition that has pushed these organisations towards a total ban. The official announcement is just around the corner according to government sources. The tipping point was the Hijab issue, the CFI and PFI had masterminded this issue which was supposed to be a signature or a statement for pushing the agenda of separate identity for the Muslims in Karnataka. 



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