BGS Gleneagles unveils #SelfE campaign to fight breast cancer

Update: 2022-02-05 00:31 IST

BGS Gleneagles unveils #SelfE campaign to fight breast cancer

Bengaluru: BGS Gleneagles Global Hospital on Friday launched a novel digital campaign #SelfE this World Cancer Day, to encourage regular breast self-examination for early detection of breast cancer. With a growing concern of this disease among women globally, the oncology team of the hospital who recently launched women's cancer care centre took a step to spread awareness among all generations. Encouraging the idea of one #SelfE in the digital platform will not only promote self-examination but will encourage people in every household to modify their lifestyle for a better tomorrow.


The objective behind introducing this extraordinary digital campaign is to spread awareness among Gen X and Z for the need of breast self-examination. They will be the torchbearers, addressing the growing concern and spreading the need to modify their unhealthy lifestyle to a healthy one by adopting a more conducive diet and routine physical exercise. This campaign will be active on Instagram, encouraging women to take selfie showing self-love tagging #SelfE. This will also create a platform to inspire and be inspired to bravely fight breast cancer and spread a message of a simple breast self-examination every day. One out of eight women is likely to have invasive breast cancer during their life and encouraging early detection of breast cancer increases survival rates by 95%.

Dr Monika Pansari, Surgical Oncologist, Breast and Gynaec Specialist, BGS Gleneagles Global Hospital said, "The reason behind introducing the campaign in the digital platform is due to lack of awareness and increase in cases of breast cancer in India and globally. It is hard to diagnose breast cancer unless routine self-breast examination is performed, or routine checks ups are done."

The risk factors including smoking, excessive drinking of alcohol, family history, late marriages and avoiding breast feeding can cause breast cancer. The treatment of the disease is planned based on the stage of the cancer and the early you detect the challenge will be less.

The campaign will be launched on Instagram by the expert team of oncologists including Dr Mathangi (Radiation Oncologist), Dr Monika Pansari (Surgical Oncologist), Dr Rajeev Vijaykumar (Medical Oncologist), Dr Karthik K Prasad (Surgical Oncologist), Dr Nataraj Naidu (Surgical Oncologist), Dr Prerana Nesargi (Paediatric Oncologist) followed by the breast cancer survivors who bravely fought against the disease and will post ways for early detection. Along with the campaign the cancer care centre is offering screening packages at nominal rates for women who find any suspicious indications while doing a self-exam and wants to consult an oncologist for further discussion.

A 38-year-old breast cancer survivor, Shweta Vishwakarma says, "Getting diagnosed with breast cancer at a young age was an absolute shock for me, however the cancer care centre team made this journey to fight the disease smoother and attainable. I would specially like to thank Dr Monika Pansari for treating and guiding me well throughout the treatment. The #SelfE campaign will certainly capture the attention of the younger and older population, which will encourage women in every family to makes self-examination a daily practice."

The recently launched women's cancer care centre – an all-inclusive women-led centre showed an exemplary response with 20-25 % increase in breast screening and consultation. From Gen X to Z raised concerns either for their parents or for their children which was a hush hush matter at home.

The Senior Consultant and Department In-charge, Radiation Oncology, BGS Gleneagles Global Hospital, Dr Mathangi J said, "After the launch of the cancer centre many women have shed their inhibition and came forth to raise their concerns. The centre encourages women to get help when they experience symptoms which could be heralding cancer or breast, cervix etc. Not only the women but also the men folk should actively encourage their wives, sisters, mothers to seek medical help whenever needed.



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