Bengaluru: FIR registered against Jumbo Circus on complaint by PETA India

Update: 2023-05-21 23:45 IST

Bengaluru : After receiving a complaint from People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) India, the Beguru police station in Bengaluru registered a first information report (FIR) against the administrators of Jumbo Circus for forcing dogs and horses to perform tricks not approved by the Animal Welfare Board of India (AWBI). The AWBI is the prescribed authority under The Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (PCA) Act, 1960, which regulates the use of animals for performances in the country. In its complaint to the police, PETA India submitted evidence of violations of the law.


The FIR registered at the Beguru police station is under sections 3, 11(1)(a), 11(1)(b), and 26 of the PCA Act, 1960, for forcing animals to perform unregistered tricks. The FIR also includes Section 289 of the Indian Penal Code (IPC), 1860, for negligent conduct in relation to the performance of stunts while riding a horse, causing immense discomfort and distress to the animal and, one being made to run around without a leash, endangering public safety.

“Jumbo Circus condemns dogs and horses to a bleak existence, denying them everything that’s natural and important to them,” says PETA India Cruelty Response Coordinator Saloni Sakaria. “PETA India urges families to support only those forms of entertainment that use consenting humans.”

In February, a FIR was registered against the circus by Mavelikara police in Kerala following a complaint by PETA India for similar offences relating to cruelty towards dogs, birds, horses and camels and, violations of their performing animals registration certificate. Based on this, the AWBI shortly after issued a show cause notice to the Jumbo Circus requiring them to explain why their performing animals registration certificate should not be suspended immediately. Despite the notice, Jumbo Circus continues to violate their certificate of registration and exploit animals. Several AWBI inspections and numerous investigations by PETA India prove that animal circuses are cruel. Animals in circuses are continuously chained or confined to small, barren cages when not used for performances. They’re deprived of adequate veterinary care and food, water, and shelter and often forced to perform tricks through punishment. Many display stereotypic, repetitive behaviour indicative of extreme stress.



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