Why critical thinking is crucial for students

Update: 2023-11-01 11:42 IST

The significance of critical thinking stems from the fact that it is a domain-general thinking skill that fosters creativity through introspection and supports our beliefs. Additionally, the ability to think clearly and methodically enhances communication and presentation skills. Knowledge alone is insufficient for critical thinking; students also need to be able to analyse facts and real-world problems in a way that makes sense given the information they already know. Critical thinking skills will enable them to pose questions that will lead to greater comprehension and more profound human connections.


Furthermore, a systematic divergence from logic, ideal rationality, reasonable cognition, and behaviour is what specialists refer to as a “cognitive error” or failure to think correctly. This mistake can be avoided by understanding how the brain functions and deliberately exploring some of the approaches that encourage students to acquire a variety of practical mental abilities. The practise of thoughtful thinking helps one develop critical thinking, one of the most significant cognitive abilities, and it helps one make positive changes in their life on both a professional and personal level.

Here’s a look at why critical thinking is crucial for students

Assists with problem-solving

Thinking critically means you’re prepared to take extra time with issues, investigate their causes, and come up with solutions. Our current and upcoming generations are no different; they all face a number of problems that need to be resolved. Global warming and overpopulation are two major problems that need to be resolved. One of the most important qualities that employers look for in candidates is the ability to solve problems.

Enhancing creativity and curiosity

When students are taught to think critically, they inevitably grow curious about the world around them. Students who have a strong and sincere sense of curiosity will want to understand the facts and events. They develop their own well-informed ideas along the way, most of which are unconventional, which enhances their creativity. All critical thinkers must be creative, as it is a skill that they will need in both their professional and personal lives. They will be able to spark their creative minds as they seek solutions clearly and sensibly.


Improving employment opportunities

Critical thinking is not just for the classroom. Following Covid-19, the new economy has increased its demand for a flexible workforce and workers who can assess information from a variety of sources and provide creative solutions. In an organization that is changing quickly, an individual with good critical thinking abilities will be valued.

Fostering allied life skills

Along with other life skills, critical thinking promotes planning, organization, open-mindedness, and communication. It equips you to face issues in both the personal and professional spheres with ease because it is a life skill in itself. It promotes self-assurance and independence, helping to mould successful lives. Students who have the ability to think critically will be more productive in all areas of life, as they will learn from their failures.

Encourages children to make wiser life decisions

Helping students get ready for the future is one of a teacher’s key responsibilities. They can be confident that their children have the knowledge and skills necessary to make informed decisions thanks to critical thinking and the unavoidable results of acquiring that talent. This indicates that when students encounter challenging circumstances and adversity, they have the resources necessary to overcome them.

Critical Thinking: A must-have skill!

Success depends on having the ability to think critically. Teaching students this new way of thinking is the duty of educators and parents. Children act more carefully and arrive at better conclusions when they use critical thinking. It is feasible to teach students to think critically at any age, but it takes persistence and a lot of practise. If they do not understand something immediately, remember that new habits need time to develop.

(The author is Managing Director, Birla Open Minds)



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