Skills TECH COMPANIES want from you

Update: 2022-08-01 01:25 IST

With rapid technological advancement, the demands and nature of each job are also changing exponentially. Organisations today are more focused on candidates' skills that will not only add business value to the organisation but also help them thrive.

Here are six critical skills that companies are looking for in candidates:

Business analytics

Data has become crucial for organisations to predict business results as well as create new strategies for growth. Analytics help businesses gain deep insights and aid in data-driven decision-making, becoming a core need in every company. And for this very reason, future leaders with business analytics and management skills are in high demand. A professional with analytical skills and knowledge is likely to progress faster in their career.


Artificial Intelligence

Although Artificial Intelligence (AI) is still an evolving field, it has generated enormous value owing to its tremendous success in the market. Acquiring employees with AI skills has become a huge attraction and requirement for companies. In the coming years, several industries will see progress and evolution in terms of AI as it is positioned to be a successful emerging technology in the industrial ecosystem in India. As stated by the Artificial Intelligence Report 2021 by Stanford, India is ranked sixth in the world amongst all the countries that are working relentlessly on AI and its implementation in the market.

Cloud computing

The global network for servers situated all around the world, the cloud has become one of the most dependable emerging technologies for Indian industries. As per IBM's recent survey, 65 percent of companies say investment in IoT, cloud, and mobility will be a priority. As companies shift their business functions and resources to the cloud, it has become a high necessity to have professionals with high-level knowledge in this domain.

Data science

Collecting large volumes of data, analysing, and deriving insights from them to find solutions for business problems, have enabled companies to optimise their success. Data science has become an important asset to drive decisions and create profitable outcomes. A report by Analytics India magazine on the availability of opportunities in the field of data science states that, in India, the number of on-market vacancies has increased by 53 per cent.

Product management

Making strategic product-related decisions, analysing customer trends and other business-related activities have become of paramount importance for companies.

They have come to realise the advantages of a product management team, to be able to succeed with a complete product in the market. From multinational companies to the highest-ranking private firms in India, all corporations are looking for competent professionals who have the necessary skills to handle a complete product lifecycle.

People analytics

The Economic Times rated people analytics as the future of HR in India.

In recent years, this skill has gathered a lot of attention among organisations for its ability to enhance the quality of a workforce and resources management. This skill helps in gathering and analysing data of employees' functions, problems, and performance to increase the efficiency of any particular team or the organisation as a whole.

India being a pioneer in the field of people analytics has particularly witnessed a rapid increase in the pace of recruiting skilled professionals in this field. Owing to the evolving market and technological advancement, the qualifications required for jobs are always changing and progressing.

To secure a career in your respective fields and remain industry-relevant, upskilling is crucial. Expertise in the above-mentioned domains is essential for great placement opportunities.

(The author is the COO and co-founder, Jigsaw Academy)



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