School children sensitised on need to follow traffic rules

Update: 2019-06-14 23:23 IST

Traffic safety awareness workshop was conducted for secondary and senior secondary students of Pallavi Model School, Alwal, by traffic police inspector Adil Akhter. He explained the 3 E's of traffic -Engineering, Education and Enforcement - to the students.

Where engineering is all about the construction of road system for better travel , education is all about the knowledge given to the young generation about the importance of traffic safety and life and enforcement is about the fines and payments done through online and various apps related to government when we fail to follow traffic rules .


It was an interactive session, where the students were shown clips of accidents that have taken place in Hyderabad city due to negligent driving, stunts by youngsters, drunken driving or youth below 18 years driving. The students were shocked looking at accidents occurring due to small violations which were life taking.

The idea was to educate the students to follow traffic rules and not drive vehicles as they were underage and driving without license could lead to imprisonment of parents too. The drivers and the attenders session was an enlightening one too. To drivers and attenders were trained on driving safety and taking care of students in the bus.

Indeed an eye opening session, the school principal Sunir Nagi spoke to the students regarding safety norms and advantages of using school transport which is the safest mode of transport to school. As students, we must understand that our parents are waiting for us back home wishing to see our smiling faces. After all back to be with family gives us all the happiness and makes our life more beautiful .



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