Revamp of workstation culture

Update: 2021-10-31 00:14 IST

Revamp of workstation culture

Just as our Indian Preamble of the Constitution States, we the people, stands for the people, of the people and the people, today after being hit hard with harsh lessons of natural disasters and Covid running currently, let's rethink and strategize the workstation with the right module of work ethos which is a norm or culture by itself.

As we navigate or sail through the new dictum of parameters, let's revamp our thinking, living dimensions, by creating a bonhomie atmosphere for one and all.


Back to the pavilion after a hiatus shift in work culture, thanks to Covid-19, here's a new awakening on our functioning to create a positive vacuum. Some essentials or dictates to adopt…different choices, and engaging society and the people, a resilient culture filled with a cup of authenticity, full of empathy and mutual understanding for the well-being of all.

Points to Ponder

• Guidelines with a close Kit

• Good attire - Indian

• Navigate boundaries and counter them with cordiality

• Meet and Greet Programmes

• Being good to fellow workers

• Importance of Communication

• Countering Complexity

• Propagating Community Upliftment

Dos & don'ts for a healthy hybrid organization: Virtual or Real Office is a good omen for productivity & growth sustenance of both the individual first and the organisation later building security securely. Managing a diverse workforce is rare and building each employee includes a kiln mortar approach of building brick by brick and laying the foundations for a futurist trajectory of dynamic and smart workforce and workstations.


• Moving from office spaces to personal spaces

• Time splitting from group ethos to remote spaces

• Right mindsets at organisationa'l level and individual level

• Revamp on all segments

• Countering Challenges

• Accepting Disruptions at all levels

• Implementing the new thinking

Overview on media:

If you want your business to succeed, you need as much brand recognition as you can get. In fact, getting media coverage can be a vital part of your company's success.

But how do you find and secure coverage? Several renowned stalwarts who are successful innings are now turning to hot independent professionals to explore the in-depth nature of their true being. From Editors/Bureaus Incharges to CEOs than to becoming founders now, heralding new vistas for them and the community at large in building flashy stories for the community at large that grabs the media's attention.

While projecting the stories in the best light, pitching a storyline, or in-depth analytical interactivity way through interviews; by enhancing connection quotients are creamy layered. This base solidifies in reaching the main component of the key metrics viz. the audiences.

A peak into media relations

(Case study approach – understanding media better)

Identifying the media outlets – Publications International, National, Regional (Vernacular – Telugu, Hindi, Urdu, English) (Newspapers, Magazines, TV, Radio, Social Media, Freelance Media Specialists, Other Inventories)

Connecting with key media sources – Hierarchy - Editors, Bureau Chiefs, Correspondents/Reporters, Sales & Marketing, Production, Finance, HR, Engagement Desk – CRM.

Pitching stories - News, culture, features, sports, or any other compelling topicality of an engaging medium.

Writing a press note - for creating awareness and spreading the word by popularizing the potential concept note.

Fostering media connections – Creating the right value proportion in eliciting a striking chord amongst constituents.

Preparing for the media interactivity - Showcasing an organizational purview, product enhancement or outreach to stakeholders, personality projections, events and other announcements.

-Being a spokesperson

-Speaking in sound/pictorial bytes

When media can be wrong - Due to plagiarism or sharp inferences to a particular individual, organization, or community.

Fostering good relationships - With the media community at large.

CRM or customer relationship management - A very crucial component or ingredient to solidify the base of all the key component areas to sustain and generate the revenue stream in the lateral mode of functioning whether monies are black or white or grey or colour.

Just as the adage goes, Work is Worship, let's adopt an attitude of dedication, perseverance and worksmanspirit to sail through the not so easy pathway, to arrive at the base of the foundation. If our thinking is just casual we attain results limiting to that only; if our approach is fret with devotion to our duty first, it will take care of the rest. It's time to revamp our thought process. As one sows, one shall reap the rewards be it at the professional level or personal or at the societal level.

Any industry has its own pitfalls or merits, but we must learn to accept challenges by charting a new trajectory of growth and all-round development. As one chooses many roles and industries during one's life span, it's not enough to limit one to a definite role play but explore various dimensions within the segment. One may find their true treasure therein in unexplored areas or paths.

If our immediate goal is just the outer creamy layers of money, name, or fame, it may not stand still for long. Choose your path and direction carefully and vigilantly to have to sustain evergreen results. A clarion call and approach should come from you and just you; you will then no doubt your decisions. Listen to your true calling and be a voice, not a mere echo. 



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