Relationships are so vital

Update: 2019-04-12 23:37 IST

Young people are an important component of the society but society's future dwells in the relations between the people. But, it is our fortune that the advanced technology is making the people to become "gadgetians". It is no secret that today mobiles are making the people incommunicado and pruning the relations. It was well said by Arthur Schopenhauer "Almost all our sorrows spring out of our relationships with other people".


Today social relationships have become a dire need for us. We are well aware about that, man is a social animal and it is not possible for him to live devoid of relationships. Every individual begins his life as a child and relationships start from home. Of course home is the first agency in which we will learn the social relationships to some extent. Our home and parents will play a significant role in shaping us as a better individual. Then school and society will shoulder the responsibility for sowing better seeds for social relationships in us.

But today the produce of these agencies are having trace quantity of ability for developing relationships with others because they haven't exposed to the situations from which relationships will start sprouting. Further, they were so confined and reluctant to fill the space of relationships. To get rid of his lone feeling one developed great bonds with gadgets and is seen drifting away from the society and its components. This is making the contemporary man more secluded in his own castle.George Eliot rightly said "The human heart finds nowhere shelter but in human kind". So, it is obligatory for human beings to maintain healthy relationships with all whoever surrounding him.

It was rightly remarked by Daniel Goal "Men social relationships reflect interpersonal Intelligence". So, the parents should have to take initiative to expose their kids to certain situations that will establish good social relationships. We need to inculcate them to develop the qualities like existence with groups, trying to play anchor role to solve the problems of others, maintaining good inter- personal relationships with all is the most possible way.

Besides this, show your utmost interest towards the people around, greet them with smile, and try to become a patient listener than speaker, call everybody with their name and respect the feelings and opinions of others. Then it will realise the fact that Herbert Spencer observed "Life is the continuous adjustment of internal relationships to external relationships".



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