Prefixes & suffixes

Update: 2019-08-12 22:31 IST

In addition to root words, one must learn prefixes and suffixes, to enhance his vocabulary levels. Prefixes and suffixes are two elements that can be attached to roots to form words.

Suffixes can be attached at the ends of roots to modify either the definition or the part of speech (noun, verb, adjective, etc.) of the word. So, suffixes can modify verbs into nouns, nouns into adjectives, and so on. To create words, put a root jointly with either a suffix or prefix.


Examples: photo (root for light) + graph (suffix for written) = photograph (light that is written)

re (prefix for again) + flect (root for bend) = reflect (to bend again) Perhaps, these may appear as funny methods to define the words "photograph" and "reflect." This is because when we use Latin to define words, we use very direct, literal translations.

These translations might sound funny, but there's always a clue there that shows what the true meaning is in English.

The top 10 suffixes you'll see with roots

1. able — (L) is, can be

2. act — (L) state, quality

3. phil/phile — (G) fear, fearing

4. chrome — (G) color

5. logy — (G) study of

6. ism — (G) act, practice or result of

7. some — (G) body

8. cidal/cide — (L) killer, a killing

9. meter — (G) a measurement

10. nomy — (G) systematized knowledge of

The top 10 prefixes you'll see with roots

1. ad — (L) to, attached to

2. amphi — (G) both, about, around

3. andro — (G) man, male

4. semi — (L) half

5. non — (L) not

6. pre — (L) before

7. inter — (L) between

8. anti — (G) against, opposed

9. co — (L) with, together

10. mono — (G) one, single, alone

Prefixes and suffixes help us in forming new words and enlarge our vocabulary.  


1. -able: Adj (able)-- dependable, valuable

2. -al: Adj-- original, typical

3. -an: NP (belonging to; see -ian)-- Korean, Mexican

4. -ance: N (see -ant 1)-- reliance, significance

5. -ancy: N (see -ant 1)-- constancy

6. -ant 1: Adj-- constant, reliant, significant

7. -ant 2: NP-- attendant, participant

8. -ar: NP (person who __; see -er 2)-- beggar

9. -ary: Adj-- primary, secondary

10. -ate: V-- coordinate, differentiate

11. -ed: Adj or tense (PT)-- bored, coordinated, tired

12. -ee: NP (person who receives an action)--nominee, refugee

13. -en 1: Adj or tense (PT)-- eaten, written

14. -en 2: V (to make __)-- lengthen, tighten

15. -ence: N (see -ent 1)-- influence, persistence

16. -ency: N (see -ent1)-- efficiency, emergency

17. -ent 1: Adj-- efficient, persistent

18. -ent 2: NP-- resident

19. -er 1: CP (Adj)-- busier, taller

20. -er 2: NP (person who __)-- baker, consumer, teacher

21. -es 1: pl-PT (N; see -s 1)-- candies, dishes, toes

22. -es 2: 3ps, PT (see -s 2)-- fixes, washes

23. -est: CP (superlative adj)-- busiest, tallest

24. -fication: N (see -fy)-- modification, simplification

25. -ful: Adj (full of)-- resourceful stressful

26. -fy, -ify: V (to make__ )-- classify, modify, simplify

27. -ian: NP (see -an)-- Brazilian, musician

28. -ible: Adj (able)-- eligible, visible

29. -ic: Adj-- basic, sympathetic

30. -ing: Adj or tense (PT)-- boring, frightening

31. -ion: N (see -ification, -sion & -tion)-- erosion, resolution

32. -ish: Adj (similar to)-- boyish, Irish

33. -ism: N-- communism, federalism

34. -ist: NP (group member)-- chemist, communist, federalist

35. -ity: N-- diversity, security

36. -ive: Adj-- excessive, productive

37. -ize: V-- characterize, organize

38. -less: Adj (without)-- effortless, helpless

39. -logy: N (study of)-- archeology, geology

40. -ly: Adv-- basically, typically, usually

41. -ment: N-- assignment, judgment

42. -ness: N-- awareness, tiredness

43. -or: NP (person who __; see -er 2)-- doctor, sailor

44. -ous: Adj-- ambiguous, enormous

45. -s 1: pl-PT (N)-- clocks, streets, trees

46. -s 2: 3ps, PT-- eats, thinks

47. -ship: N-- authorship, relationship

48. -sion: N-- expansion, vision

49. -tion: N-- classification, reaction

50. -y: Adj (presence of)-- cheery, noisy, rainy



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