Nurturing future innovators

Update: 2022-10-13 23:21 IST

New Delhi: Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kanpur partners with NimbleQEduventurePvt. Ltd to nurture children as young as ten by giving them an opportunity to experience and work in the IIT Kanpur labs. Over 20 NimbleQers from grades 5 to 10 visited labs. These children are part of a technology and entrepreneurship programme facilitated by NimbleQ across India, USA, and UAE.


"The NimbleQexperience focuses on Real-World Connections. This technology partnership with IIT Kanpur will bring to life technology that the children have only read about. Experiencing the innovation-led environment of premier institutes such as IIT Kanpur will leave a mark on these young minds—such that they make informed career decisions and truly pursue their passion," said Dr Madhukar Varshney, Founder NimbleQ.

"It is fascinating to see how NimbleQ is encouraging children and exposing them to state of the art in technology and innovations. Such exposure at their young age should help the children evolve into innovators in the future.

The children who visited us impressed us by their general awareness, their keenness to learn and their approach to the new ideas to which they were exposed. The effort of NimbleQ in igniting young and curious minds is indeed commendable" said Dr S Sundar Kumar Iyer,Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering and current coordinator of the National Centre for Flexible Electronics, IIT Kanpur.



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